WMPA medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

What does the medical term WMPA mean?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation WMPA. However, what is the medical abbreviation WMPA?

WMPA medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

In medical field, the WMPA medical term stands for West Midlands Physicians Association.

WMPA: West Midlands Physicians Association

Related Medical Abbreviations

AANLAnesthesia Associates of New London
AMBSRAdvances in Medical and Biological Science Research
AMECAnnual Medical Education Conference
ARBAngiotensin Receptor Blocker
AVPDAtrioVentricular Plane Displacement
AVRAortic Valve Replacement
BACblood alcohol concentration; bronchoalveolar cells
BAHBoard of Animal Health
BAPENBritish Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
BDIbeck depression inventory
BPELBone Pressed Erect Length
BSSbalanced salt solution
CAPPSCraniosynostosis And Positional Plagiocephaly Support
CBHPPCommunity Based Health Promotion Program
CCHDCenter for Community Health Development
CHMCCalifornia Hospital Medical Center
CPDcongenital polycystic disease; chronic pulmonary disease; cephalopelvic disproportion
CPPRCalculated Percentage Pain Reduction
DCAMCDept of Cardiology Assam Medical College
DHCADubai Healthcare City Authority
DISCUSdyskinesia identification system condensed user scale
DWWDiabetic White Women
EBAepidermolysis bullosa acquisita
ECHSEx-servicemen Contributory Health Scheme
EPSElectro-Physiologic Study
ERAPEmergency Radiology Anesthesiology and Pathology
FIASFocal Impaired Awareness Seizure
FRSflexed rotated side bent
HADCHelp A Diabetic Child
HCNTHospital Central Negotiating Team
HITMHepatitis Integration Training Manual
HLISHealth and Lifestyle Information Survey
HOEHealth Occupations Education
HPEHealth and People Exercising
HSPIHealth Strategy and Policy Institute
IMHInternal Moving Healing
J-TubeJejunal Feeding Tube
MACUMedical Acute Care Unit
MALTmucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
MAQMedication Adherence Questionnaire
MCHLMaster’s Certification in Healthcare Leadership
MIP-1αMacrophage Inflammatory Protein 1-α
MLPSMedical Legal Partnership for Seniors
MPMCMinnesota Precision Medicine Collaborative
MRAmagnetic resonance angiography
NOTCENational Occupational Therapy Certification Examination (Canada)
NSICUneurosciences intensive care unit
NSIUNational Spinal Injuries Unit
OCHEROslo Communication in Healthcare Education and
OHICOffice of the Health Insurance Commissioner
OMSHROffice of Mine Safety and Health Research
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
PAMMAPatients Against Mandatory Medical Arbitration
PCLSPrecision Cut Lung/Liver Slices
PHISHPhysician Hospital Information System for Home
PICperipheral intravenous catheter
PKPyruvate Kinase
PRR(S)Pathogen Recognition Receptor(S)
PSVpeak systolic velocity; pressure support ventilation; prostate-specific antigen
PTENPhosphatase and tensin homolog
ROAright occiput anterior
SCrserum creatinine
SDTspeech discrimination threshold (audiometry)
SHAPESexuality Health And Personal Exploration
SIEstroke in evolution
SLTCOState Long Term Care Ombudsman
STIRShort Tau Inversion Recover
SiPAPsynchronized inspiratory positive airway pressure
T/Cto consider
TBGthyroid-binding globulin
TBWOTotal Body Water
TCCTransitional Cell Cancer
TCSFTumor Collagenase Stimulatory Factor
TNF-Itumor necrosis factor inhibitor
TRTTTestosterone Replacement Therapy Treatment
UB6Urinary Bladder 6 acupuncture point
UFRultrafiltration rate
VPCventricular premature contraction
VVIventricular inhibited mode of pacing
WLVAWest Los Angeles Veterans Administration Healthcare Center
YEYellow Enzyme
ZVHCZumbro Valley Health Center
eGFRestimated glomerular filtration rate [case sensitive]
mm3cubic millimeter

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