What does TBWO medical abbreviation stand for?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation TBWO?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the TBWO abbreviation. Here is the meaning of TBWO mean in medical terms.

What is TBWO medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the TBWO medical term mean Total Body Water.

TBWO: Total Body Water

Related Medical Abbreviations

ABGArterial Blood Gas
AMBPAdvanced Medical Billing Professionals
AVNRTAtrio-Ventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia
AnuricNot producing urine. A person who is anuric is often critical and may require dialysis.
BACCBiomedical Acceleration and Commercialization Center
BEPbleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin
BKABelow Knee Amputation
BTPbladder training program
CDchemical dependency; cycle day; current diagnosis; Crohn’s disease; controlled drug(s); conduct disorder; cluster of differentiation; cesarean delivery; cardiovascular disease; communicable disease
CHBcomplete heart block
CMLChronic Myelogenous Leukemia
COMPcartilage oligomeric matrix protein
DNARdo not attempt resuscitation
DSCDoctor of Surgical Chiropody
EBepidermolysis bullosa
EDCestimated day of confinement; electronic data capture; extensor digitorum communis
EENTeye, ear, nose, and throat
ELEsthetics License
EMTEmergency Medical Technician
FDIFirst Dorsal Interosseous
FSBSfinger stick blood glucose/sugar
FSEfetal scalp electrode
G6Pglucose 6 phosphate
GABHSgroup a beta-hemolytic streptococcus
GBMGlioblastoma Multiforme
HANGHyperplasia, Abscess, Neoplasia, Granuloma
HBAghepatitis B antigen
HMTSHouston Medical Testing Services
HOAhypertrophic osteoarthropathy
HPODHypoglycaemia Prevention with Oral Dextrose
HRTHormone Replacement Therapy
HoHolmium (element)
I&OIns and Outs
IDPindividual development plan
ILDInterstitial Lung Disease
IPSIDimmunoproliferative small intestinal disease
ISGimmune serum globulin
IrIridium (element)
KBketone bodies; knee brace
LBBBLeft Bundle Branch Block
LFTSliver function test series
LMHCLicensed Mental Health Counselor
MCHBMaternal and Child Health Bureau
MCMOMedical Civil Military Operations
MDDmaximum daily dose; major depressive disorder
MDLMedical DeviceLink
MNTmedical nutrition therapy
MOMMilk Of Magnesia
MPHmiles per hour; Master of Public Health
MSOFmulti system organ failure
NCSNerve Conduction Study
NPONothing By Mouth
NZMJNew Zealand Medical Journal
O3ozone; Omega-3
OFCoccipital-frontal circumference
OOHout of hospital
PARRpost anesthesia recovery (room)
PBSCTperipheral blood stem cell transplantation
PIPProximal Inter-Phalangeal
PMIPoint of Maximum Impulse
POSproblem oriented system; point of service
PPTLpost-partum tubal ligation
QALYquality-adjusted life year
S1first heart sound
SILsquamous intraepithelial lesion
SPCASociety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
SRSslow-reacting substance
SUDsingle-use device; substance use disorder; sudden unexpected death
SWDshort wave diathermy
TLItotal lymphoid irradiation
U or u**Unit. Mistaken as the number 0 or 4, causing a 10-fold overdose or greater (for example, 4U seen as “40” or 4u seen as “44”); mistaken as “cc” so the dose is given in volume instead of units
UOUrine Output
VEBventricular ectopic beat
YOByear of birth
o.d.once daily (omni die)
o.h.every hour (omni hora)
thertherapeutic, therapy

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