What is the meaning of I&O medical abbreviation?

What is the medical abbreviation I&O?

There may be more than one meaning of I&O. However, what does I&O mean in medical terms?

What is I&O medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation I&O means Ins and Outs.

I&O: Ins and Outs

Related Medical Abbreviations

O/Eon examination
STVshort term variability
SIWself-inflicted wound
NSAno significant abnormality
DRESSdrug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
PPOpreferred provider organization
NRTInucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
ABGArterial Blood Gas
specspecimen; specification
WNWDwell-nourished, well-developed
FHBflexor hallucis brevis; fetal heartbeat
VAVisual Acuity
c.n.s.to be taken tomorrow night (cras nocte sumendus)
MCMmedical countermeasure
GGuiac (followed by + or -)
PE tubespolyethylene tubes
ACLAnterior Cruciate Ligament
DDAVPdesmopressin acetate
PAFparoxysmal atrial fibrillation; platelet activating factor
NIHnational institutes of health
HAZOPhazard and operability
BSNBachelor of Science in Nursing; bowel sounds normal

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