What does FVD medical abbreviation stand for?

What does the FVD medical term mean?

The abbreviation FVD may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation FVD mean?

What is the meaning of FVD medical abbreviation?

In the medical field, the medical abbreviation FVD stands for fluid volume deficit.

FVD: fluid volume deficit

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACLAnterior Cruciate Ligament
BMBone Marrow; also Bowel Movement
BTEbehind the ear (heading aids)
CPRCardiopulmonary Resucitation
CRRconsult review request
CVATcostovertebral angle tenderness
CaCancer; carcinoma. For example, a patient who undergoing treatment for cancer should assure that they are eating and drinking enough fluids daily, both during and after treatment.
DOSdate of service
DPatdiphtheria-acellular pertussis tetanus (vaccine)
DRESSdrug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
DVTDeep Venous Thrombosis
EGFepidermal growth factor
H FLUHaemophilus Influenza
HDUhigh dependency unit; Hemodialysis Unit
IIDintermittent infusion device (saline lock)
IPPBintermittent positive pressure breathing
IRVinspiratory reserve volume
ITPIdiopathic Thrombocytopenia
KBketone bodies; knee brace
KUBKidneys Ureters and Bladder
LABAlong-acting beta agonist
LATSlong-acting thyroid stimulator
LEPlaparoscopic extraperitoneal approach; limited English proficiency
LGIlower gastrointestinal
LGSILlow-grade squamous, intra-epithelial lesion
LVFleft ventricular function
MMFRmaximum mid-expiratory flow rate
MSSAMethicillin Sensitive Staph Aureus
O/Eon examination
OGToral glucose tolerance (test)
OLTOrthotopic Liver Transplant
ONSoncology nursing society
PARparaffin; patient at risk; post anesthesia recovery
PCTproximal convoluted tubule; patient care technician; photochemical treatment
RIFAright inner forearm
SFsugar free; serum ferritin; safety factor; synovial fluid
VCDvacuum constriction device; vocal cord dysfunction
WOBwork of breathing
guttat.drop by drop
paplacenta abruption

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