What does ICES medical abbreviation mean?

What does the medical abbreviation ICES mean?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation ICES. Below is the meaning that ICES abbreviation stands for.

ICES medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In science & medicine, the medical term ICES means Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.

ICES: Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADright ear (Lat.)
AOBRAmerican Osteopathic Board of Radiology
BCEbasal cell epithelioma; bone collagen equivalents
BESSABiomedical Engineering Society of South Africa
BLLblood lead level
BMSHBehavioral Medicine Self Healing
CBWchemical and biological warfare
CHEMSCommunity Health Emergency Medical Services
CNHchondrodermatitis nodularis helices
COX 2Cyclooxygenase 2
CPhTCertified Pharmacy Technician
CRPScomplex regional pain syndrome
CRScongenital rubella syndrome; chronic rhinosinusitis
CSOchief scientific officer
D/Adate of admission
DCDischarge; Discontinue; Doctor of Chiropractics
DEZDistal Elongation Zone
DIPHEN CITRDiphenhydramine Citrate
DOBdate of birth
DOLdepartment of labor
DTHdelayed-type hypersensitivity
EAEexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis
EOHExpenditure On Health
EORSEuropean Orthopaedic Research Society
GTgastrostomy tube
GTHgonadotropic hormone
HGSHealth General Secretriat
HHNChypertonic hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma
ICCAIntelliSpace Critical Care and Anesthesia
IDGinterdisciplinary group
ISMNisosorbide mononitrate
IUSintrauterine system
LAIVlive attenuated influenza vaccine
LHELegacy Health Endowment
LLEleft lower extremity
LMOALakeland Medical Office Association
LOBloss of balance
MDIPMedical Device Innovation Programme
MFmid forceps
MPTPMedical Proficiency Training Program
MSWMaster of Social Work; medical social worker
NCMRNational Center For Medical Readiness
NIHnational institutes of health
NILnegative intraepithelial lesion
NMWNavy Medicine West
O2SatOxygen saturation (percent)
OHDOregon Health Division
P&Rpulse and respiration
PAHpara-aminohippurate; polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon
PCVpneumococcal vaccine; packed cell volume
PMRSPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service
PPMApostpoliomyelitis muscular atrophy
PRIAPCR Rodent Infectious Agents
PSpulmonary stenosis; pressure support; pulmonic stenosis
PSEUDOEPH SULFPseudoephedrine Sulfate
PUFApolyunsaturated fatty acid
RAPresident assessment protocol; recurrent abdominal pain
RETMRenaissance Essential Tumor Medium
RFtright foot
ROEPRunde Occupational and Environmental Professionals
ReRhenium (element)
SI unitsInternational System of Units (Systeme International)
SISsaline infusion sonohysterosalpingography
SMERFStudent Medical Emergency Relief Fund
SSMCSouth Shore Medical Center
THBTechnology Healthcare Big
TOLACtrial of labor after cesarean section
TURBTTransurethral Resection Bladder Tumor
Txtreatment; thromboxane; traction; transplant
U07.1Deaths from lab-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection
USHEUnion Society of Healthcare Engineers
YIPYeast Infection Pill
ZDZinc deficiency
ZGZona Glomerulosa
fl ozfluid ounce
iCaionized calcium
impairimpaired, impairment
in uterowithin the uterus
p=rpupils equal and reactive
rDNARibosomal Deoxyribonucleic Acid
t.d.s.to be taken three times daily

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