What is the WSHO medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation WSHO mean?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of WSHO abbreviation. However, what is the meaning of the medical abbreviation WSHO?

WSHO medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation WSHO means Workplace Safety And Health Officer.

WSHO: Workplace Safety And Health Officer

Related Medical Abbreviations

A.F.Amniotic Fluid
ADRBAntibody Dependent Respiratory Burst
BPAEBovine Pulmonary Artery Endothelial
BRCA2Breast Cancer 2
BSHSABachelor of Science in Health Services Administration
BTBbreakthrough bleeding
BUPIVBUPIVacaine Hydrochloride
C/wconsistent with; continue with
CHSBCentral Health Services Building
CIFMSCAMS Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences
CIMCentre for Integrative Medicine
CLIcritical limb ischemia
CMTCcutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita
CNRHCCentral Newfoundland Regional Health Care
CPNPCertified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
D.O.A.Defective On Arrival
DEPICTEDDevelopment and Evaluation of a Psychosocial Intervention in Children and Teenagers Experiencing Diabetes
DPIdry powder inhaler
EENTeye, ear, nose, and throat
Endoendometriosis; endocrine
ErErbium (element)
FACMSFellow, American College of Mohs Surgery
FAMAFellow of the American Medical Association
FRGfunctional related groups
FTNfinger to nose
GAAHGovernors Avenue Animal Hospital
GHMCGloucester House Medical Centre
HAPPIHealth Assistance Program for Personnel and Industry
HCCAPHealth Care Consumer Assistance Program
HICAPSHealth Industry Claims And Payments Service
HNAHealthcare Networks of America
HNDACHospital Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrion (Spanish: Daniel Alcides Carrion National Hospital; Bellavista, Callao, Peru)
IABPIntra-Aortic Balloon Pump
IBOCInternational Bio Chemistry
IDBBInfant Developmental Brain and Behavior
IFIInvasive Fungal Infection
ISincentive spirometry; intercostal space
ISS(S)Injury Severity Score(S)
JSNJoint Seminars in Neuroscience
JSTHJapanese Society of Travel and Health
LBlive birth; lower body
LDlearning disability; left deltoid; lactate dehydrogenase; lactic dehydrogenase; lethal dose
LOMSAleft otitis media, suppurative, acute
LSBleft sternal border
MEIOMedical Education Initiative Organization
MERINMedical Education Research Institute of Nevada
MEVAMedical Examination for Visa Application
MISCLMonash Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories
N/VNausea or vomiting.
NDSKN-terminal DiSulfide Knot of fibrin
NIDDMNon-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
NKHGnonketotic hyperglycinemia
NYMUNew York Medical University
OMIPOregon Medical Insurance Pool
OPHAOffice of Pre Health Advising
PASGpneumatic anti-shock garments
PCBPost-coital bleeding
PCFProteins Carbohydrates And Fats
PHNSPublic Health Nursing Services
PKPyruvate Kinase
PMCpremotor cortex
PTPBPeabody Treatment Progress Battery
PVPolycythemia Vera; Portal Vein
QALYsQuality Adjusted Life Years
QUMSQazvin University of Medical Sciences
RAKRight Above Knee amputation
RCCRenal Cell Cancer
REPAHARegional Education Programme for Animal Health Assistants
RIBArecombinant immunoblot assay
SGHSinai-Grace Hospital
SHAPESexuality Health And Personal Exploration
SLTspeech and language therapy; selective laser trabeculoplasty
TBEtick-borne encephalitis
TBWtotal body water; total body weight
TGMGTampa General Medical Group
UECurgent and emergency care
UMDSUnited Medical and Dental Schools
UPSHUniversity Pointe Surgical Hospital
VMICVirginia Medical Interpreting Collaborative
VSMTVeterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapist
WBGDWhole Body Glucose Disposal
WHMWim Hof Method
WHSGWildlife Health Specialist Group
kU/Lkilounit per liter (allergy testing)

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