What is HMO medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the HMO medical abbreviation?

In some cases, the abbreviation HMO may have a few different meanings. However, what does the abbreviation HMO stand for in medical terms?

What is the meaning of HMO medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, it is health maintenance organization the medical abbreviation HMO stands for.

HMO: health maintenance organization

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADDAttention Deficit Disorder
BCPSBoard Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist
BrBromine (element)
C/TGcholesterol/triglyceride ratio
CEUcontinuing education unit
CIBHchange in bowel habits
CMRChief Medical Resident
CNISCarotid Non-Invasive Study
DBTdialectal behavioral therapy
DCTdistal convoluted tubule
DFADirect Fluorescent Antibody
DOAdate of admission; duration of action; dead on arrival
DOSdate of service
DSM-IVDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition
DVdouble vision; domestic violence; daily value (nutrition)
EAepidural anesthesia; environmental assistance
EDDestimated date of discharge; estimated due date; expected date of delivery
FIFOfirst in, first out
FPFamily Practitioner
FPLflexor pollicis longus
FVCforced vital capacity
GTNgestational trophoblastic neoplasia; glyceryl trinitrate
HAAhepatitis-associated antigen
IAWin accordance with
IVSSintravenous soluset
JIAjuvenile idiopathic arthritis
LCMleft costal margin
MACMonitored Anesthesia Care
MCHBMaternal and Child Health Bureau
MMFmaxillomandibular fixation
MSOFmulti system organ failure
NVSneurological vital signs
OCToxytocin challenge test
PPGpostprandial glucose
PtPlatinum (element)
R&Rrate and rhythm
RLSrestless legs syndrome
SOsignificant other; salpingo-oophorectomy; superior oblique
SPECTsingle-photon emission computed tomography
TFTthyroid function test
distdistribute; distal
impairimpaired, impairment
pulvpowder (pulvis)

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