What is the DBT medical abbreviation?

What does the medical term DBT stand for?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation DBT. However, what is the medical abbreviation DBT?

What is the DBT medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation DBT means dialectal behavioral therapy.

DBT: dialectal behavioral therapy

Related Medical Abbreviations

NIDDMNon-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
CHLconductive hearing loss
PIFprolactin release-inhibiting factor; peak inspiratory flow
QPNGquinolone-resistant neisseria gonorrhea
RVFright ventricular function; right ventricular failure
IOMInstitute of Medicine
FESfunctional electrical stimulation
NRTInucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors
SMEsignificant medical event; subject matter expert
DMARDdisease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug
FIFOfirst in, first out
DPatdiphtheria-acellular pertussis tetanus (vaccine)
SANEsexual assault nurse examiner
LRNElow risk nutrition education
XDRextensively drug-resistant
GPCGram Positive Coccus
NLNnational league for nursing
ERExternal Rotation; also Emergency Room
LELower Extremity (usually preceded by R or L); Leukocyte Esterase
KAFOknee ankle foot orthosis
ASDAtrial Septal Defect
C2second cervical vertebra
CBPchronic bacterial prostatitis
HCVDhypertensive cardiovascular disease

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