CMRP medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What does medical abbreviation CMRP mean?

There may be more than one meaning of CMRP. Below is the meaning that CMRP abbreviation stands for.

CMRP medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In science & medicine, the meaning of the CMRP medical abbreviation is Centre for Medical Radiation Physics.

CMRP: Centre for Medical Radiation Physics

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAEMAmerican Academy of Emergency Medicine
AATPAnesthesia Assistant Training Program
BCCPbreast and cervical cancer (treatment) program
BSLEbullous systemic lupus erythematosus
BeBeryllium (element)
CAOT-ACECanadian Association of Occupational Therapists – Association Canadienne des Ergothérapeutes
CBISCenter for Biomedical Imaging Statistics
CD-ROMcompact disc read-only memory
CEBPCentre of Evidence Based Physiotherapy
CHLPCenter for HIV Law and Policy
CLDDCross Linked Diethylaminoethyl Dextran
COTNicotine/Cotinine (COT test)
CTOclinical trial outline
CrClcreatinine clearance
DNETDysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours
DOAdate of admission; duration of action; dead on arrival
DOEDyspnea on exertion. Shortness of breath with activity.
DSPSdelayed sleep phase syndrome; diagnostic, screening and preventive services
EABelective abortion
EEEthinyl estradiol
EENTeye, ear, nose, and throat
EMHEmergency Medical Holographic
EOLCend of life care
ERPeffective refractory period; emergency response plan
FDSflexor digitorum superficialis
FiO2fraction of inspired oxygen
Ft.make (fiat)
GRASEgenerally recognized as safe and effective
HCPSHantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome
HEORHealth Economic and Outcomes Research
HPSHantavirus pulmonary syndrome. A type of contagious, infectious disease transmitted by rats infected with the virus.
IMHMIndiana Medical History Museum
INPWTIncisional negative pressure wound therapy dressings
IVADintravenous access device
L/Rleft to right
LDRlabor, delivery, recovery
LGIlower gastrointestinal
LTLight Touch
LVFleft ventricular function
M1mitral first sound
MAGHMedical Anthropology and Global Health
MCOPMedical Center Orthotics Prosthetics
MGmyasthenia gravis
MLFmedial longitudinal fasciculus
MLPAmultiplex ligation dependent probe amplification
MSNMaster of Science in Nursing
NDFSRHNurse Diploma Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
NEMDNew England Medical Design
NHLNon-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
NMATNational Medical Admission Test
NMJneuromuscular junction
NVAneurovascular assessment
PCRApatient controlled regional analgesia
PEApulseless electrical activity
PHSPublic Health Service
PIAprolonged infantile apnea
PMIPoint of Maximum Impulse
PMKPractical Medication Knowledge
PSSphysiologic saline solution; progressive systemic sclerosis
PTLDPost-Transplanaation Lymphoproliferative Disorder
QIDFour times per day
RCAMCRoyal Canadian Army Medical Corps
RTWreturn to work
RUTright upper thigh
SARSsevere acute respiratory syndrome
SICUSurgical Intensive Care Unit
SSKIsaturated solution of potassium iodide
SSSsick sinus syndrome
SVDspontaneous vaginal delivery
TBAto be admitted; to be announced
TOBESAHOLTobacco, Obesity and Alcohol
TRADCTRace Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
TURBTTransurethral Resection Bladder Tumor
UToxurine toxicology screen (for drugs)
WASLIWomen’s Addiction Services Leadership Institute
iFRinstant wave-free ratio
p.r.rectally (per rectum [ Lat.])
parawoman who has given birth; paraplegic
sonosonogram be taken three times daily
viaby way of

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