AJPH medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What does the medical abbreviation AJPH mean?

There may be more than one meaning of AJPH. However, what does the AJPH medical term mean?

What is the meaning of AJPH medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the meaning of the AJPH medical abbreviation is American Journal of Public Health.

AJPH: American Journal of Public Health

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAATAdult Adolescent Alcohol Treatment
ACDFAnterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion
AEDAutomatic External Defibrillator; Anti-Epileptic Drug
AHCMAccountable Health Communities Model
ALMCArusha Lutheran Medical Centre
ASCAanti Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody
BMDABermuda Medical Doctors Association
BSPHBachelors of Science in Public Health
CBISCenter for Biomedical Imaging Statistics
CHQChild Health Questionnaire
CQIcontinuous quality improvement; clinical quality indicator
CWUcanal wall up
DDSTDenver Developmental Screening Test
DFMCDelmarva Foundation for Medical Care
DIEPDeep Inferior Epigastric Perforators
DUANDesmonds United Association Naturpaths
EBRTExternal Beam Radiation Therapy
ENHCEdgar Nollner Health Center
EPDSEdinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
EPI HCLEpinephrine Hydrochloride
EPTExpedited partner therapy
ESRErythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
ETHPEast Toronto Health Partners
FBPfetal biophysical profile
FHEAFlorida Healthcare Engineering Association
FIGOFédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique (International Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecologic)
FRCSFellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
GANPGeorgia Association of Naturopathic Physicians
GHMCGloucester House Medical Centre
HMSOHealthcare Management Student Organization
HPPLHealth Professions Pharmacy Loan
HRBhealth-related behavior(s)
HbFHemoglobin F
IEMEAInternational Emergency Medicine Education Association
IETOInjury epidemiology transport occupation
ILMVInactivated L. Monocytogenes Vaccine
IPPBintermittent positive pressure breathing
ITPIdiopathic Thrombocytopenia
Id.the same
LADDdiagonal branch of the left anterior; lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital
LBCDLeft Border Of Cardiac Dullness
LMMILower Mainland Medical Imaging
LTOTLong Term Oxygen Therapy
MAOBMonoamine Oxidase Type B (Parkinson’s disease medication)
MNSIMichigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument
MSAFPmaternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
MSIVPMaximum Slope of the Initial Vascular Phase
MSSDMedical Staff Services Department
MVPMitral Valve Prolapse
NBRGNeonatal Brain Research Group
NDKDNon Diabetic Kidney Disease
NEHNational Eye Hospital (Egypt)
NIBNational Information Board
NSSPnormal size, shape, position
NUJHSNitte University Journal of Health Science
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
OWMOffice for Women in Medicine
PACMPremier Acupuncture And Complementary Medicine
PACUPost Anesthesia Care Unit
PCCRpost cardiac cath recovery
PDEpermitted daily exposure; phosphodiesterase
PDWPassive Death Wish
PMApre-motor area (brain)
PMCDPrehospital Medical Care Directive
PMSPremenstrual syndrome
PRIAPCR Rodent Infectious Agents
PUBPerforations, Ulcers, and Bleeds
RCRreplication competent retrovirus
RNRegistered Nurse
ROIrelease of information; region of interest
RVVCrecurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis
RoRo antigen
SCIASpinal Cord Injuries Australia
SGPSensory GraphPlan
SIBself-injurious behavior
SMRCSacramento Medical Reserve Corps
SNHSSchool of Nursing and Health Sciences
SODOHScottish Office Department Of Health
SSEPsomatosensory evoked potentials
UB9Urinary Bladder 9 acupuncture point
UMEUnusual Mortality Event
WMAPWisconsin Medical Assistance Program
γ-RVγ-Retroviral Vector

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