What is the AHCM medical abbreviation?

What is the medical term AHCM?

In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of AHCM. However, what does the abbreviation AHCM stand for in medical terms?

What is the meaning of AHCM medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine, the meaning of the medical abbreviation AHCM is Accountable Health Communities Model.

AHCM: Accountable Health Communities Model

Related Medical Abbreviations

AADDAdult Attention Deficit Disorder
AMAAgainst Medical Advice; American Medical Association
BCMbody cell mass
BCOPBoard Certified Oncology Pharmacist
BEAMbrain electrical activity mapping
BIMABirmingham Internal Medicine Associates
BL CXBlood Culture
CAMPChristie, Atkins, Munch-Petersen TEST
CBDCommon Bile Duct; Closed Bag Drainage
CCMDColorado Collective for Medical Decisions
CHFCongestive Heart Failure
CIDRZCentre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia
CMTCervical Motion Tenderness; Charcot Marie Tooth
CNRclosed nasal reduction
CTCcomputed tomographic colonography; circulating tumor cell; common toxicity criteria; chlortetracycline
DAdevelopmental age; dopamine
DIBdifficulty in breathing
DIPJdistal interphalangeal joint
DIRAdeficiency of the interleukin-1-receptor
DNIDo Not Intubate
DSM-IVDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition
EDRelectrodermal response
EHemployee health
EITEarly Intervention Teams
ELFelective low forceps
ESRFend stage renal failure
FROMfull range of motion
G-tubegastrostomy tube
GNCgram-negative cocci
GNIDgram-negative intracellular diplococci
GREgradient echo
HAHAHuman Anti Human Antibody
HDLChigh density lipoprotein cholesterol
HIAhealth impact assessment
HOAhypertrophic osteoarthropathy
HSV-1herpes simplex virus type 1
HTLVhuman T-cell lymphotropic virus
IJInternal Jugular
IPAPinspired positive airway pressure
ITBiliotibial band
KUBKidneys Ureters and Bladder
L-1first lumbar vertebra
LPFBleft posterior fascicular block
LTGlong-term goals
M. tbmycobacterium tuberculosis
MASHmobile army surgical hospital
MCRAMedical Care Recovery Act
MFOAMedical Front Office Assistant
MHUmental health unit
MI-CDmentally ill and chemically dependent
MLTmedical laboratory technician
MMFmaxillomandibular fixation
MVCmotor vehicle collision
NABSNormal Active Bowel Sounds
NMTnot more than
NSBGPNon-Specific Bowel Gas Pattern
PBSCTperipheral blood stem cell transplantation
PGYpostgraduate year
PINprostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
PRQMpublicly reported quality measures
QLquality of life
QS/QSintrapulmonary shunting
QWLquality of work life
RCCRenal Cell Cancer
RLERight Lower Extremity
ROFAright outer forearm
RUGRetrograde Urethrogram
RUQRight Upper Quadrant
SIAstrip immunoblot assay
SOMserous otitis media
SOSsinusoidal obstruction syndrome; help needed distress signal (save our ship)
SSIMSandy Springs Internal Medicine
TUPPtobacco use prevention program
UA or u/aUrinalysis. A UA is a typical part of a comprehensive physical examination.
WDWNWell Developed, Well Nourished
begbegin, began, beginning
pcafter meals (post cibos)
q2hEvery 2 hours. As in taking a medicine every 2 hours.

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