How Long is the Wake Forest PA Program? Prerequisites | Tuition | GPA

Learn about: how much is the Wake Forest PA Program tuition; what are the Wake Forest University PA program prerequisites; what is the Wake Forest PA program average GPA…

Wake Forest School of Medicine ranking at #48 in the best medical schools in the United States.

Wake Forest University PA Program

Wake Forest University PA Program

Quick Review

Application Deadline

September 1st


Continuing Accreditation

International Students





24 months

Class Capacity


Address525 Vine Street, Suite 530
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Admissions Office Phone336-716-4356
Mailing Address Wake Forest School of Medicine
Department of PA Studies
Medical Center Boulevard
Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1006

The mission of the PA program of Wake Forest Medical School is to train highly capable and compassionate physician assistants who provide patient-centered care, make a great contribution to the healthcare community, and continue to advance the career of physician assistants.

How long is the Wake Forest University PA Program?

The length of the Wake Forest University PA Program is 24 months. This class duration of the PA program equals the length of the Marist College PA Program.

Graduates of the Wake Forest University Physician Assistant Program will earn a Master of Medical Science degree.

Class size of the WFU School of Medicine PA Program

The class size of the Wake Forest University School of Medicine PA program is 88. This class size of the PA program is bigger than the class size of some medical schools’ PA programs.

For the PA program at Wake Forest University School of Medicine, 64 med students study at the campus in Winston-Salem during the preclinical year, and 24 students study at our Boone campus. And it will be centrally coordinated for all 88 med students in the clinical year.

PANCE pass rate

When it comes to the PANCE pass rate of the students of Wake Forest University PA Program, the first-time PANCE pass rate is 99% and the five-year first-time PANCE pass rate is 99%.

Accreditation Status

The ARC-PA has granted Accreditation-Continued status to the Wake Forest University Physician Assistant Program.

Acceptance Rate and Admissions Statistics

Wake Forest PA Program Prerequisites Tuition GPA

Wake Forest University PA Program acceptance rate and admissions statistics







Average Overall GPA


Prerequisite GPA


Acceptance Rate


Wake Forest University PA program tuition and costs

How much is the tuition of the Wake Forest University Physician Assistant program?

For the academic year of 2022-2023, the tuition is $42,700 per year for the PA program at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.

The total cost is estimated at $76,604 to $79,546 per year, which includes the fees of Books and Equipment, Health Insurance, Lodging, Miscellaneous, Transportation, Student Fees, Loan Fees…

Compare the PA program tuition with the following PA program:

Wake Forest University Physician Assistant program Average GPA

Wake Forest University School of Medicine didn’t publish the average GPA of the PA program. However, you can refer to the average GPA of the MD program at Wake Forest medical school.

ItemsRequired minimum Scores
Science GPANo Minimum
Prerequisite GPANo Minimum
Overall GPANo Minimum

Wake Forest PA program acceptance rate

Check out: Wake Forest University School of Medicine Acceptance rate

PA Program Prerequisites and Admission Requirements

What are the Wake Forest University PA program prerequisites?

All applicants must submit their application materials to the Central Application Service for Physician Assistants (CASPA) to apply for the PA program.

Note that the Wake Forest PA Program has an Orange Deadline, September 1.

CASPA applicationRequired
Bachelor’s degreeRequired
Three letters of recommendationRequired
Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scoresRequired
CASPer Test ResultsRequired
Complete minimum of 1,000 hours of pre-admission healthcare experienceRequired

Healthcare experience hours

It requires that all applicants must complete minimum of 1,000 hours of pre-admission healthcare experience before October 1 of the application year.

For the previously accepted students of the PA program, the average hours of Health care experience range from 1,120 to 30,344 hours.

Course Prerequisites

All applicants must finish the following prerequisite courses.

CourseSemesters or Hours
Geneticsone semester of a molecular-based genetics course.
General Chemistryone semester. Or one semester of Organic Chemistry
Microbiologyone semester
Biochemistryone semester
Human Anatomy and Human Physiologyone full academic year
Statisticsone semester
Medical Terminologyone course in medical terminology
