What is the medical abbreviation TBDL?
In some cases, the abbreviation TBDL may have a few different meanings. Here is the meaning of TBDL mean in medical terms.
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What is TBDL medical abbreviation?
In the medicine field, the TBDL abbreviation stands for Tilburg Big Data Laboratory.
TBDL: Tilburg Big Data Laboratory
Related Medical Abbreviations
ABECOPD | Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
AIC | Artificially Inseminated Children |
APSH | Asia Pacific Society for Hypertension |
BAPEN | British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition |
BBPR | Bright Blood Per Rectum |
BESS | Biomedical Experiment Support Satellite |
BKA | Below Knee Amputation |
BRa | Baseline Rate |
BTTF | Breast Treatment Task Force |
CAAE | China Association Against Epilepsy |
CHTA | Community Health Training Alliance |
CPIL | Core Patient Information Leaflet |
CTRR | Clinical Trials Registration and Results |
DCRD | Division of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Devices |
DEATH | Despair Ease Agony Torture Hatred |
DHIA | Dairy Health Improvement Association |
DIFA | automated differential |
DMIP | Division of Medical Imaging Products |
DPMH | Division of Pediatrics and Maternal Health |
ECFD | East Center Family Dentistry |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
EMPU | Environmental Medicine Physiology Unit |
EMT-B | Emergency Medical Technician – Basic |
EPH SULF | Ephedrine Sulfate |
ESCH | East Sussex County Healthcare |
ETGR | Early Tumor Growth Rate |
EVA | Equine Viral Arteritis |
EWS | Early Warning Score |
FMLA | Family Medical Leave Act |
FNAIT | fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia |
FPSL | Food Products and Safety Laboratory |
HFHS | Henry Ford Health System |
HMPD | Health Management and Policy Department |
HSA(s) | Hospital Service Area(s) |
HWWS | Hand Washing With Soap |
IDBB | Infant Developmental Brain and Behavior |
IMGI | International Medical Graduate Institute |
Kiddie-SADS-E | Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Aged Children, Epidemiologic Version |
LAT | left anterolateral thigh |
LBU | Laboratory for Biological Ultrastructure |
MDJT | Midget |
MHAM | Mental Health Association of Maryland |
MNAA | Meharry National Alumni Association (Meharry Medical College; Nashville, TN) |
MOMH | Mobile Outreach Mental Health |
MRE | Microbiological Research Establishment |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging |
MSCC | Metastatic spinal cord compression |
MSFC | Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite |
MSS | Medical Social Sciences |
MVR | Mitral Valve Replacement |
NCAT | Normocephalic Atraumatic |
NEDA | No Evidence of Disease Activity |
NGMV | Newcastle Gateshead Medical Volunteers |
NRSF | Neuron- Restrictive Silencer Factor |
NVSL | National Veterinary Services Laboratories |
NYD | not yet diagnosed |
OMD | organic mental disorders |
OMU | Orthodontic Mobile Unit |
OPLD | Optical Path Length Difference |
PERRLA | Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. |
PESA | Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Extraction |
PGM | paternal grandmother |
PHCS | Primary Health Care Service |
POLCE | Procedures Of Limited Clinical Effectiveness |
RN-C | Registered Nurse-Certified (by ANCC) |
RSH | RiverSide HealthCare Home |
S1 | first heart sound |
SAMM | Sonoma Alliance for Medical Marijuana |
SEM | Systolic Ejection Murmur (with reference to cardiac exam) |
SEP(s) | Syringe Exchange Program(s) |
SFe | Serum Iron |
SLETS | St. Luke’s Emergency & Transport Service |
SM | synovial membrane; streptomycin |
SSGL | Stichting Samenwerkende Gezondheidscentra Lelystad (Dutch: Foundation for Collaborative Health Care Lelystad; Lelystad, Netherlands) |
TBR | Total Bilirubin |
TEC | Tubular Epithelial Cell |
TOSHA | Tennessee Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
Trig | triglyceride |
UFC | urinary free cortisol |
USA | Unstable Angina |
VCEH | Valenzuela City Emergency Hospital |
VHDL | very high density lipoprotein |
VIM | Volunteers In Medicine |
VSMU | Vladivostok State Medical University |
WWRMV | Winter Wheat Russian Mosaic Virus |
cav | cavity |
cert | certified, certificate |
p̄ | post ( after) |
q.h. | every hour (quaque hora) |
sm | small |
ut. dict. | as directed (ut dictum) |