What does cert medical abbreviation stand for?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation cert?

The abbreviation cert may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation cert mean?

What does cert medical abbreviation mean?

In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation cert means certified, certificate.

cert: certified, certificate

Related Medical Abbreviations

AINAcute Interstitial Nephritis
BRMbiological response modifier
C/OComplains Of
CCRAcardiac cath recovery area
CMHCcommunity mental health center
CRRTcontinuous renal replacement therapy
CSFCerebral Spinal Fluid
DCISDuctal Carcinoma In Situ
DOHdepartment of health
DOUDirect Observation Unit
EDErectile Dysfunction
EDBethylene dibromide; extensor digitorum brevis
FACRFellow of the American College of Radiology
H&HHemoglobin and Hematocrit
H/HHenderson-Hasselbalch equation; hemoglobin/hematocrit
HGHhuman growth hormone
IHInguinal Hernia (usually preceded by L or R)
IOVinitial office visit
ITIntrathecal; Information Technology
IVPIntravenous Pyelogram
IrIridium (element)
KLSkidney, liver, spleen
LIFleukemia inhibitory factor; left iliac fossa
LOSlength of stay
MAmental age; medical assistance
MPHmiles per hour; Master of Public Health
MRgFUSMR-guided focused ultrasound surgery
MTmedical technologist
NDFno disease found
NYDnot yet diagnosed
OBOccult Blood (followed by ‘+’ or ‘-‘)
OBS/OBDorganic brain syndrome/organic brain disorder
OOTout of town
PCCRpost cardiac cath recovery
PRPpolysaccharide-ribitol-phosphate vaccine; platelet-rich plasma; pan retinal photocoagulation
RAPDrelative afferent pupillary defect
SCIspinal cord injury
TBTuberculosis; Total Bilirubin
TMJTemporo-Mandibular Joint
TNStranscutaneous nerve stimulation
TUIPtransurethral incision of the prostate
VATSVideo Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery
VCDvacuum constriction device; vocal cord dysfunction
eAGestimated average glucose
ftfoot, feet (0.3048 meter)
o.m.every morning (omni mane)
simsimilar and simplated

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