What does the medical abbreviation MOUD stand for?
In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the MOUD abbreviation. However, what does the abbreviation MOUD stand for in medical terms?
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What does MOUD mean in medical abbreviation?
In science & medicine, it is Medications for Opioid Use Disorder the medical abbreviation MOUD stands for.
MOUD: Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
Related Medical Abbreviations
A/V Ratio | Arteriolar/Venous Ratio |
BC | breast cancer; bone conduction; board certified; birth control |
BC/BS | Blue Cross/Blue Shield |
CAHE | Centre for Allied Health Evidence |
CDAD | Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea |
CDF | Concept, Definition, Formula |
CEPT | Chemically-Enhanced Primary Treatment |
CHUM | Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal |
CI | Cardiac Index |
COVID19FOAM | Coronavirus Disease 2019 Free Open Access Medicine |
CTCAE | common terminology criteria for adverse events (NCI) |
DMHO | District Medical and Health Offices |
DNAR | do not attempt resuscitation |
DUH | Drive for Universal Healthcare |
ESBI | Extended Spectrum Bacterial Infection |
ESG | estrogen |
ESH | Environment Safety And Health |
EUA | emergency use authorization; examination under anesthesia; examination under anesthetic |
FNE | fiberoptic nasal endoscopy |
FU | follow-up |
GAS | Group A Strep; Guaiac All Stools |
GMR | Gallups, Murmurs, Rubs |
GOMER | Slang for “get out of my emergency room.” |
HCI | human-computer interaction |
HIMT | Health Information Management Technology |
HKD | Hong Kong Diabetes Registry cohort |
HLDI | Health Leadership Development Initiative |
HPPF | Health Policy Planning And Financing |
HRH | Hendricks Regional Health |
HSNA | Health Sciences Networking Association |
HTCA | Human Tumor Clonogenic Assay |
HWBB | Health and Well being Board |
HWC | Health Wellness Center |
HbC | Hemoglobin C; abnormal hemoglobin |
HepA | hepatitis A |
IBOC | International Bio Chemistry |
ICN | international council of nurses |
IGR | intrauterine growth retardation |
INHT | Institute of Natural Health Technologies |
LCHD | Livingston County Health Department |
LCMA | Litchfield County Medical Association |
LOA | Lysis Of Adhesions |
LObl | Left oblique |
LRQ | Lower right quadrant |
LTBA | Long Tubular Bone Anlagen |
MC | medical corps |
MCOW | Medical College Of Wisconsin |
MFFD | medically fit for discharge |
N | Nausea |
NAO | Nasal Airway Obstruction |
ND | not diagnosed; normal delivery; nondistended; Doctor of Naturopathy; neck dissection |
NMCP | Naval Medical Center Portsmouth |
NMHM | National Museum of Health and Medicine |
NSV | non-specific vaginitis |
NYD | not yet diagnosed |
OAHPP | Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion Act |
OARSI | Osteoarthritis Research Society Interntational |
ONS | oncology nursing society |
PNI | peripheral nerve injury |
PNST | Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour |
PRIT | posterior resection of inferior turbinates |
PSE | portal systemic encephalopathy |
RCC | Renal Cell Cancer |
RFFF | radial forearm free flap |
Rn | Radon (element) |
SCAT | sheep cell agglutination test |
SCFH | Shell Cove Family Health |
SHT | Severe Head Trauma |
SNS | supplemental nursing system; sympathetic nervous system |
SOD SAL | SODium SALicylate |
SRCC | Search & Rescue Canine Corps |
SS# | Social Security Number |
SSKI | saturated solution of potassium iodide |
TDR-TB | totally drug-resistant tuberculosis |
TNF-I | tumor necrosis factor inhibitor |
TOF | Tetralogy of Fallot |
UHC | United Healthcare |
VHQC | Virginia Health Quality Center |
VIS | vaccination instruction sheet; vaccine information sheet |
VNG | VideoNystagmoGraphy |
W/V | Weight By Volume |
WGMC | West Georgia Medical Center |
WLEI | Windsor Laser Eye Institute, Windsor, Ontario, Canada |
WSME | Wellness Sensitive Medical Events |
X&D | examination and diagnosis |
YE | Yellow Enzyme |
bact | bacterial |
cAMP | cyclic adenosine monophosphate |
dDNA | denatured DNA |
dec’d | deceased |
tsp | teaspoon |