What does tsp medical abbreviation mean?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation tsp?

The abbreviation tsp may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation tsp mean?

What is the tsp medical abbreviation?

In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation tsp means teaspoon.

tsp: teaspoon

Related Medical Abbreviations

AKAAbove Knee Amputation
AnuricNot producing urine. A person who is anuric is often critical and may require dialysis.
BRVOBranch Retinal Vein Occlusion
CETRcare, education and treatment review
CFRCertified First Responder; child fatality review; Code of Federal Regulations; case fatality ratio
CGAcontact guard assist; comprehensive geriatric assessment
CPPCerebral Perfusion Pressure
CPRCardiopulmonary Resucitation
CRconditioned reflex; creatinine; complete remission; controlled release (medication); crown-rump length
CVCcentral venous catheter
DATdiet as tolerated
DDSDoctor of Dental Surgery
DLSOdistal lateral subungual onychomycosis
DOIdigital object identifier; date of injury
DOPTdirectly observed preventative therapy
FDSflexor digitorum superficialis
FHSfetal heart sounds
FPLflexor pollicis longus
FWBfully weight bearing
G-TubeGastric Feeding Tube
GIFTgamete intrafallopian transfer
GOTglutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase
H2SO2sulfuric acid
HVhome visit/visitor
IFRinfection fatality ratio; instrument flight rules
IMIntramuscular also Intramedullary
LRIlower respiratory infection
LVNLicensed Vocational Nurse
MARmedication administration record
MCHmean corpuscular hemoglobin; maternal and child health
MFmid forceps
MUAmedically underserved areas
NSBGPNon-Specific Bowel Gas Pattern
OMEotitis media with effusion
PINprostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
PIPOTpersons in positions of trust
PUDPeptic Ulcer Disease
RHFright heart failure
SBspina bifida; small bowel; sinus bradycardia
SOMIsternal occipital mandibular immobilizer
SPPsuprapubic prostatectomy
Svsievert (unit)
TKATotal Knee Arthroplasty
TTPTender To Palpation; Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
etc.etcetera, and so on

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