What does MHM stand for in medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the medical abbreviation MHM?

There may be more than one meaning of MHM. However, what does the medical term MHM stand for?

What is the MHM medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation MHM means Medical History Museum.

MHM: Medical History Museum

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADAAmerican Diabetes Association
AHRAAmerican Healthcare Radiology Administrators
AIDAssistance In Danger
AIHWAustralian Institute of Health and Welfare
ALSAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; also Advanced Life Support
B-HCGbeta-human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone
BLLblood lead level
BNPbrain natriuretic peptide; B-type natriuretic peptide
BRATbananas, rice, applesauce, toast (diet)
BSPHBachelors of Science in Public Health
CADCoronary Artery Disease
CCAcalcium channel antagonist; common carotid artery
CGAcontact guard assist; comprehensive geriatric assessment
CIDRZCentre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia
CMVCyto-Megalo Virus
CNMCCentral Nebraska Medical Clinic
COTAcertified occupational therapy assistant
CPEchronic pulmonary emphysema
CTZchemoreceptor trigger zone
CalCalorie (kilocalorie)
D&Adrug and alcohol
DLSOdistal lateral subungual onychomycosis
DOCdeoxycorticosterone; drug of choice
DODMERBDepartment Of Defense Medical Examination Review Board
DORWGDiabetes and Obesity Research Working Group
DRGdiagnosis-related group
EENTeye, ear, nose, and throat
EFMelectronic fetal monitor
FMfrequency modulation; fibromyalgia; fetal movement; family medicine
FPEMfamily planning education materials
FTA-ABSfluorescent treponemal antibody absorption
FTSBPFirst Toe Systolic Blood Pressures
FVMAFox Valley Medical Associates
GDSgeriatric depression scale
GRPGlucose-Regulated Protein
HCSSHealth Care Staffing Services
HEMDHandicap Elderly Medically Disabled
HPAIVhighly pathogenic avian influenza virus, type H5N1
ICTinsulin coma therapy
ISDRInterferon Sensitivity Determining Region
IgDimmunoglobulin D
JPHAJapan Public Health Association
L&Alight and accommodation
LCISLobular Carcinoma In Situ. A type of cancer of the breast. The patient is receiving treatment for Lobular Carcinoma In Situ.
LLSBleft lower sternal border
LRSBlower right sternal border
MACRAMedicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act
MBPMedical Bomaterial Products
MERTUMedical Entomological Research and Training Unit
MIDPMedical Innovators Development Program
MLHSMedical Lake High School
MMRMeasles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine
MOImechanism of injury
MTAPMultidimensional Task Ability Profile
N/V/Dnausea, vomiting, diarrhea
NATnon-accidental trauma; nucleic acid-based tests
NIMHNational Institute of Mental Health
OCLorthopedic cast for limb
PINprostatic intraepithelial neoplasia
PMCDPrehospital Medical Care Directive
PMRSPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service
PNDParoxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea also Post Nasal Drip
PUOpyrexia of unknown origin
PUPOPregnant Until Proven Otherwise
RACHCRio Arriba Community Health Council
ROMIRule Out Myocardial Infarction
RPGNRapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis
SBGMself blood glucose monitoring
SCZPSlaskie Centrum Zdrowia Publicznego (Polish: Silesian Center for Public Health)
SPPsuprapubic prostatectomy
SSKIsaturated solution of potassium iodide
SX Psexual precautions
U07.1Deaths from lab-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection
UCLulnar collateral ligament
ULHSUnified Local Health System
UMNUpper Motor Neuron
VMUVinnitsa Medical University
WEISWork Environment Impact Scale
ZAPZero Abuse Project
cm2square centimeter
comp.compound; complication; compounded of
refrefuse(d); referral/refer
sRNAsoluble RNA
sbpspontaneous bacterial peritonitis

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