What does NAT medical abbreviation mean?

What does the NAT medical term mean?

In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of NAT. However, what is the medical abbreviation NAT?

What does NAT medical abbreviation stand for?

In medicine, the medical term NAT stands for non-accidental trauma; nucleic acid-based tests.

NAT: non-accidental trauma; nucleic acid-based tests

Related Medical Abbreviations

BPSbilateral partial salpingectomy
BPVBenign Positional Vertigo
CMEcontinuing medical education
CTCat Scan; also Chest Tube and Cardio-Thoracic
CTEchronic traumatic encephalopathy
DNKAdid not keep appointment
DVMDoctor of Veterinary Medicine
EDVepidermodysplasia verruciformis
EIAenzyme immunoassay; exercise-induced asthma
ENerythema nodosum
FAPfamilial adenomatous polyposis
FMFFamilial Mediterranean Fever
FOCfronto-occipital circumference
FTSGfull-thickness skin graft
GPLIgG phospholipid unit
HbSHemoglobin S
IRBIndications Risks Benefits; Institutional Review Board
LASERlight amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
LUTSLower Urinary Tract Symptoms
MSOFmulti system organ failure
NGTDno growth to date (culture status)
NHICnational health information center
OCToxytocin challenge test
OOTout of town
PADSpreventive aggression device system
PASpara amino-salicylic acid; para-aminosalicylic acid; periodic acid-schiff (stain)
PBIprotein-bound iodine
PRApanel-reactive antibody; plasma renin activity
PRBCsPacked Red Blood Cells
RHCRight Heart Cath
RS3PEsymmetrical synovitis with pitting edema
RUERight Upper Extremity
SRSslow-reacting substance
SVGSaphenous Vein Graft
ScScandium (element)
TOSthoracic outlet syndrome
TPEtotal plasma exchange
TPItreponema pallidum immobilization (syphilis test); trigger point injection
URTIupper respiratory tract infection
VGventral gluteal
WNwell nourished
nDNAnative DNA
noct.in the night (nocte)
qPMEach evening. As in taking a medicine each evening.

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