MAMA medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What does the abbreviation MAMA stand for in medical terms?

In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of MAMA. Below is the meaning that the abbreviation MAMA stands for.

What does MAMA medical abbreviation mean?

In science & medicine, the MAMA medical term mean Mothers Against Munchausen Accusations.

MAMA: Mothers Against Munchausen Accusations

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAPMAustralian Association of Practice Managers
AYAMAdolescent Young Adult Medicine
BBbreakthrough bleeding
BEMEBest Evidence in Medical Education
BWSbattered woman syndrome
CBEclinical breast exam; charting by exception
CFCHCentre For Corporate Health
CGHBCigna Global Health Benefits
COVID19FOAMCoronavirus Disease 2019 Free Open Access Medicine
CRESTcalcinosis, Raynaud’s phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasias
CSculture and sensitivity; completed stroke; close supervision; clinically significant; chondroitin sulfate; cesarean section; cardiogenic shock; cardiac sphincter
CSMCCedars Sinai Medical Center
CVDcardiovascular disease; cerebrovascular disease
DDiarrhea; also Disk
DMDiabetes Mellitus
DNODid Not Obtain
DTaPdiphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis
EBMAEuropean Board of Medical Assessors
EBUSendobronchial ultrasound-
ECCEextracapsular cataract extraction
ECLAMEuropean Consensus Lupus Activity Measure
EDVepidermodysplasia verruciformis
EHWPEmotional Health and Wellness Program
ELISAenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
EMPACEmergency Medical Practice Advisory Council
ERPSSEn Route Patient Staging System
ESHEnvironment Safety And Health
FMERSAForensic Medical Examination in Rape and Sexual Assault
FOMfloor of mouth
GABABgamma-aminobutyric acid type b
GPHPGraduate Public Health Program
GUGenito-Urinary; also Gastric Ulcer
HADFHuman Adult Dermal Fibroblast
HMG-CoAhydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A
HNSPHealth and Nutrition Support Project
HSVHerpes Simplex Virus
HThypertension; hormone therapy
IAOMTInternational Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
ILARassociations for rheumatology
LBlive birth; lower body
LIFleukemia inhibitory factor; left iliac fossa
MAFIMedical Alert Foundation International
MCHmean corpuscular hemoglobin; maternal and child health
MHmental health; malignant hyperthermia; medical history
MHOACMedical Health Operational Area Coordinator
MHRSMental Health Related Services
MMCSMarshall Medical Centers South
MNHCMission Neighborhood Health Center
MTMRMouse Tumor Models Resource
NDnot diagnosed; normal delivery; nondistended; Doctor of Naturopathy; neck dissection
NHICnational health information center
NMCHNalanda Medical College and Hospital
NMTGNational Medical Technologist Group
NSAIDnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
NTTnasotracheal tube
ONOptic Nerve; Over Night
PCNpenicillin; primary care network
PEMFpulsing electromagnetic field
PIIpersonally identifiable information
PSLperipheral saline lock
PUPPSPressure Ulcer Point Prevalence Survey
PetCO2partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide
RAPDrelative afferent pupillary defect
RBBBRight Bundle Branch Block
REBTrational emotive behavioral therapy
RFRheumatoid Factor; also Risk Factor
RNFARegistered Nurse First Assistant (surgery)
RSBPResonable Sponsorship of Birth Control
SBISerious Bacterial Infection
STHsomatotrophic hormone (somatotropin)
STTshort term tests
TMFTennessee Medical Foundation
TOSthoracic outlet syndrome
TRALItransfusion-related acute lung injury
UCRMUtah Center for Reproductive Medicine
UQupper quadrant
USPSTFUnited States Preventive Services Task Force
V/Svital signs
VSZVereniging Sterilisatie in het Ziekenhuis
W-EWide Excision
cDNAcomplementary DNA
dec’ddeceased the night (nocte)
senssensitivity; sensation

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