EBMA medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

What does the medical term EBMA stand for?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation EBMA. Here is the meaning of EBMA mean in medical terms.

What does EBMA medical abbreviation mean?

In the medical field, the medical abbreviation EBMA stands for European Board of Medical Assessors.

EBMA: European Board of Medical Assessors

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACE-IAngiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor
BEAbelow-the-elbow amputation
BMCbone mineral content; bone marrow cells
BSSbalanced salt solution
Bandbanded neutrophil
CAOX3conscious, alert, oriented to person, place, time
COCardiac Output
COWSclinical opiate withdrawal scale
CPhTCertified Pharmacy Technician
CRRconsult review request
DHxdrug history
DNIDo Not Intubate
DPTdiphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (vaccine)
DRESSdrug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
DV/SAdomestic violence/sexual assault
E Abelective abortion
ECCEextracapsular cataract extraction
EEDerythema elevatum diutinum
EHTestrogen hormone therapy
ETCO2end-tidal carbon dioxide
FBPfetal biophysical profile
FOMfloor of mouth
FRVfunctional residual volume
FSfrozen section; Fealty’s syndrome; finger stick
FSEfetal scalp electrode
FSHFollicle Stimulating Hormone
GUIgraphical user interface
HepBhepatitis B
IEEintervention effect estimate
IGIVimmune globulin intravenous
IPOCinterdisciplinary plan of care
IPPBintermittent positive pressure breathing
ISGimmune serum globulin
IUCDintrauterine contraceptive device
KELSKohlman Evaluation of Living Skills
LATSlong-acting thyroid stimulator
LBPLow Back Pain
LCISLobular Carcinoma In Situ. A type of cancer of the breast. The patient is receiving treatment for Lobular Carcinoma In Situ.
LGAlarge for gestational age
LGMleft upper outer gluteus maximus
LHLeutinizing Hormone; Left Handed; Light Headed
M&MMorbidity and Mortality
MARmedication administration record
MBDminimal brain dysfunction
MCVMean Corpuscular Volume
MDImetered dose inhaler
MEOmost efficient organization
N/VNausea or vomiting.
NDFno disease found
NDTneurodevelopmental treatment
NHNursing Home
NPHneutral protamine Hagedorn; no previous history; normal pressure hydrocephalus
NPONothing By Mouth
NaClSodium Chloride
OmPCouter membrane protein complex
PCDpacing cardioverter/defibrillator; percutaneous drainage; pneumatic compression device; programmed cell death
PDDpervasive development disorder
PHOPhysician Hospital Organization
PPGpostprandial glucose
PPWpre-pregnancy weight
PROpeer review organization
RACErescue, alarm, confine, extinguish (fire safety)
REEresting energy expenditure
RRRRegular Rate and Rhythm
SGUstandard IgG beta-2 glycoprotein unit
SHEsafety, health and environment
SNRIserotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
TCCTransitional Cell Cancer
TENStranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
TOATubo-Ovarian Abscess
TORBtelephone order read back
TUItransurethral incision
TVRtricuspid valve replacement
TaTantalum (element)
URIUpper Respiratory tract Infection
VVvaricose veins
iCaionized calcium
mUmilliunit; micro unit
mist.a mixture
ppbparts per billion
sp. Gr.specific gravity
w/v.weight in volume

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