What is the meaning of MAM medical abbreviation?

What does the medical term MAM stand for?

In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of MAM. However, what does the medical term MAM mean?

What does MAM stand for in medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the MAM medical abbreviation is the meaning of Moderate Acute Malnutrition.

MAM: Moderate Acute Malnutrition

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAAlcoholics Anonymous; African American
ACRMAtlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine
AGHAdventist GlenOaks Hospital
ARBAngiotensin Receptor Blocker
BACCBiomedical Acceleration and Commercialization Center
BIDSbedtime insulin and daytime sulfonylureas
BIPMBiomedical Informatics and Personalized Medicine
BTTRBrain Tumor Translational Resource
CCHcare closer to home
CHRNCommunity Health Resource Navigator
CNMCertified Nurse Midwife
CSRMOCivil Surgeon Resident Medical Officer
CVATcostovertebral angle tenderness
CWDcanal wall down
CWPCoal workers’ pneumoconiosis
DDHdevelopmental dysplasia of the hip
DIPHRDivision of Intramural Population Health Research
EDCestimated day of confinement; electronic data capture; extensor digitorum communis
EDRCEpidemiology Data Resource Center
EIPMEnglander Institute for Precision Medicine
EMCelectromagnetic compatibility
EUAemergency use authorization; examination under anesthesia; examination under anesthetic
FCCMGFamily Care Centers Medical Group
FCDFracture, Complete, Deviated
FDBflexor digitorum brevis
FEFforced expiratory flow (rate)
FESfunctional electrical stimulation
FVEfluid volume excess
FeIron (element)
HEROESHealth and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act
HLPHealthy Living Pharmacy
HPOHuman Phenotype Ontology
IMMDInsulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
IMSIGIntegrative Medicine Student Interest Group
INDinvestigational new drug
ISHisolated systolic hypertension; in situ hybridization
ISMIIdaho Sports Medicine Institute
J-ARTJapanese Adverse Reaction Terminology
KEGGKyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
KFHPWKaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington
LEEPloop electrosurgical excision procedure
M1mitral first sound
MAPERMiniature Access Pectus Excavatum Repair
MFmid forceps
MIMDMountain Integrated Medical Devices
MMWRMorbid Mortal Weekly Report
MPCEMedical physics and clinical engineering
MTDmaximum tolerated dose; month-to-date
NASHnon-alcoholic steatohepatitis
NCHLNational Center for Healthcare Leadership
NCSNerve Conduction Study
NHPSNational Health Protection Scheme
NMECNeonatal Meningitis Escherichia coli
NOnitric oxide
PBpudendal block or peripheral blood
PDFFProton-Density Fat-Fraction
PERRLAPupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation.
PFZPorcelain Fused to Zirconia
PLWPregnant and Lactating Women
PRBCpacked red blood cell(s)
PTLpre-term labor
ROMIFRelease Of Medical Information Form
RPABRivermead Perceptual Assessment Battery (visual perception tests)
RSCright subclavian
SAEserious adverse event
SCLEsubacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
SHAPESexuality Health And Personal Exploration
SICASchizont Infected Cell Agglutination
SMRsubmucous resection; standardized mortality ratio; sexual maturity rating
SOFASequential Organ Failure Assessment
SRESerum Responsive Element
TAVItranscatheter aortic valve implantation
THATotal Hip Arthroplasty
THRGTuart Health Research Group
TODtarget organ damage
UAUrine Analysis; also Uric Acid
V&PVagotomy and Pyloroplasty
VAOSVisual acuity, left eye
VWFVon Willebrand Factor
o.m.every morning (omni mane)
szseizure (epileptic)

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