What is the LRSG medical abbreviation?

What does the LRSG medical term stand for?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of LRSG abbreviation. However, what does the medical term LRSG mean?

LRSG medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation LRSG means Laparoscopic Re-Sleeve Gastrectomy.

LRSG: Laparoscopic Re-Sleeve Gastrectomy

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADEAdverse Drug Effect
AMIPSAbdominal Medical Image Proceeding System
AODMAdult-onset diabetes mellitus
BIBBrought In By
BaBarium (element)
BeBeryllium (element)
BtBacillus thuringiensis
CAAMCalifornia Association of Ayurvedic Medicine
CBLLcapillary blood lead level
CHRECouncil for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence
CLLChronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
COTNicotine/Cotinine (COT test)
CTBcease to breathe; chronic tuberculosis
D&Edilation and evacuation
DURdrug utilization review
ECMMEuropean Confederation of Medical Mycology
ECPemergency contraceptive pill
EHTestrogen hormone therapy
EPSDTearly and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment
FDBflexor digitorum brevis
FEFforced expiratory flow (rate)
GMLPCGreater Manchester Local Pharmaceutical Committee
GRASgenerally recognized as safe
H/O or h/oHistory of. A past event that occurred.
H2Histamine 2
HCVDhypertensive cardiovascular disease
HCWhealth care worker
HHV-6human herpesvirus 6
HKSCIHong Kong Spinal Cord Injury
HTCAHuman Tumor Clonogenic Assay
ICDImplantable Cardiac Defibrillator
IGFinsulin-like growth factor
IOVinitial office visit
IRDSinfant respiratory distress syndrome
ISMNisosorbide mononitrate
IV&Vindependent verification and validation
IVSSintravenous soluset
JPJackson Pratt
L Cxleft circumflex
LDlearning disability; left deltoid; lactate dehydrogenase; lactic dehydrogenase; lethal dose
LEDLight-emitting diode
MDSMyelo dysplastic syndrome
MIPManaged Indemnity Program/Plan
MSDAMultiple Sclerosis Data Alliance
NIFNegative Inspiratory Force
NIMHNational Institute of Mental Health
NINRnational institute of nursing research
NMSNeuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
NaClSodium Chloride
ORoperating room
PACpremature atrial contraction
PADSpreventive aggression device system
PCCPoison Control Center
PCHpersonal care home
PCPPrimary Care Physician; also Pneumocystis Pneumonia
PIVperipheral intravenous
POAGprimary open-angle glaucoma
PRApanel-reactive antibody; plasma renin activity
PSCTperipheral stem cell transplant
PTEMpregnancy test education materials
R/Trelated to
RCMright costal margin
RDTrising dose tolerance
RFFFradial forearm free flap
RFTrenal function test
RHCRight Heart Cath
RMruptured membranes; risk management; respiratory movement
ROIrelease of information; region of interest
SCATsheep cell agglutination test
TORBtelephone order read back
TXTransfusion; Treatment
TcPCO2transcutaneous carbon dioxide
ULBWultra low birth weight
VMAvanillyl-madelic acid
VRSAvancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
glut maxgluteus maximus
his-tRNAhistidyl-transfer RNA
mUmilliunit; micro unit
mor. dict.as directed
phnipinhole no improvement
tbctubercle bacillus

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