What is the NEL medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation NEL stand for?

In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of NEL. Below is the meaning that NEL abbreviation stands for.

What is NEL medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical term NEL stands for non-elective.

NEL: non-elective

Related Medical Abbreviations

A/V NickingArteriolar/Venous Nicking
BAEPbrainstem auditory evoked potentials
BPBlood Pressure
BRBBright Red Blood
BUNBlood Urea Nitrogen
CBPchronic bacterial prostatitis
CFUcolony forming unit
CXRChest X-Ray
D/Cdiscontinue; discharge
DUIdriving under the influence
EDLextensor digitorum longus
FISHfluorescence in situ hybridization
FRGfunctional related groups
GABABgamma-aminobutyric acid type b
GCTglucose challenge test
HAVhepatitis A vaccine; hepatitis A virus
HDIhigh-definition imaging
HeHelium (element)
IBMinclusion body myositis
IDInfectious Diseases
IOPIntra-Ocular Pressure
IOVinitial office visit
KSKaposi’s Sarcoma
LOPleft occiput posterior
LSOleft salpingo-oophorectomy
LTVlong-term variability
MTmedical technologist
MVO2myocardial oxygen consumption
MVRMitral Valve Replacement
NCnasal cannula
NIFNegative Inspiratory Force
O&POvum and Parasites
SSEsoap suds enema
TBEtick-borne encephalitis
TCCTransitional Cell Cancer
TGVthoracic gas volume
TNF-Itumor necrosis factor inhibitor
TPNTotal Parenteral Nutrition
TUMAtransurethral microwave antenna
UDunit dose; ulnar deviation
WDwell developed
YbYtterbium (element)
instinstruction, instructed; instrument; institution
q.i.d.Four times daily. As in taking a medicine four times daily.
simsimilar and simplated
ssDNAsingle-stranded DNA

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