KISH medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What is the meaning of the medical term KISH?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation KISH. However, what is KISH in medical terms?

KISH medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

In science & medicine, it is Kingston Integrated Sexual Health the medical abbreviation KISH stands for.

KISH: Kingston Integrated Sexual Health

Related Medical Abbreviations

ANMMAmerican National Medical Management
ASAortic Stenosis; also Anklyosing Spondylitis
ATNAcute Tubular Necrosis
BRUbiomedical research unit
BSEbovine spongiform encephalopathy; breast self-examination
BSOBilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. A BSO is the removal of both of the ovaries and adjacent Fallopian tubes and often is performed as part of a total abdominal hysterectomy.
C2second cervical vertebra
CCRNPCenter for Cancer Research Nanobiology Program
CHHSCollege of Health and Human Services
CLOTClinical Leaders Of Thrombosis
CNHchondrodermatitis nodularis helices
CTRcarpal tunnel release
DBSdeep brain stimulation; dorsal blocking splint
DC(S)Dendritic Cell(S)
DISIDAdiisopropyl iminodiacetic acid (cholescintigraphy)
DLSdynamic lumbar stabilization
DODoctor of Osteopathy
DPDorsalis Pedis
EBPEvidence-Based Practice
EVARendovascular aneurysm repair
FBCfull blood count
FDLflexor digitorum longus
FSGFinger Stick Glucose
GABSGroup A beta-hemolytic streptococcus
Gluglutamic acid
HCAPhealthcare associated pneumonia
HHSU.S. Department of Health and Human Services
HPMCHollywood Presbyterian Medical Center
IMA (L/R)internal mammary artery-left/right
IMOSIllinois Medical Oncology Society
ISDNisosorbide dinitrate
ISMJIranian South Medical Journal
LOQlower outer quadrant
LQTSlong QT syndrome
LRIlower respiratory infection
LUAleft upper arm
LaLanthanum (element); La antigen; lactic acidosis
MCQmultiple-choice question
MMMultiple Myeloma
MMTmanual muscle test
MNTmedical nutrition therapy
MOmedical officer; months old
MSETMedical Surgical Emergency Team
MVO2myocardial oxygen consumption
NBCCSNevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
NDnot diagnosed; normal delivery; nondistended; Doctor of Naturopathy; neck dissection
NFnational formulary; neurofibromatosis
OMPObagi Medical Products
OUBoth Eyes
PGRpsychogalvanic reaction
PHPpartial hospitalization program; primary health care provider
PR3proteinase 3
PSCMPhilippine Society of Climacteric Medicine
PUOpyrexia of unknown origin
PUSprostate ultrasound
PZIprotamine zinc insulin
R&Rrate and rhythm blood cells
RCLradial collateral ligament
RSremitting seronegative; respiratory system; Reiter’s syndrome
RSDReflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
RVEFright ventricular ejection factor
RhoGAMrh immune globulin
SSDISocial Security disability insurance
SVGSaphenous Vein Graft
TC&DBturn, cough, and deep breath
TGAtransposition of the great arteries (formerly TGV, transposition of the great vessels)
THRTotal Hip Replacement
TUItransurethral incision
UCXUrine Culture
WIVWuhan Institute of Virology
WNVWest Nile Virus
cm2square centimeter
dDNAdenatured DNA
infinferior; infant
mIUmilli-international unit
platsplatelet; platelets
qPMEach evening. As in taking a medicine each evening.
quadquadrant; quadriceps
ssDNAsingle-stranded DNA

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