JE-VC medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

What is JE-VC in medical terms?

There may be more than one meaning of JE-VC. However, what does the medical abbreviation JE-VC mean?

What is the meaning of JE-VC medical abbreviation?

In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation JE-VC means Inactivated, Vero cell culture-derived Japanese encephalitis vaccine (Ixiaro®).

JE-VC: Inactivated, Vero cell culture-derived Japanese encephalitis vaccine (Ixiaro®)

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAAlcoholics Anonymous; African American
ADHPAlabama Dental Hygiene Program
AVMArterial Venous Malformation
BBTbasal body temperature
BINMBoucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine
CARPconfluent and reticulated papillomatosis
CFSchronic fatigue syndrome
CFUcolony forming unit
CHIClosed Head Injury
CNSCcertified nutrition support clinician
CRRconsult review request
CYSchildren and youth services
CdCadmium (element)
Cgmcentigram (one hundredth of a gram)
DIEPDeep Inferior Epigastric Perforators
DMHODistrict Medical and Health Offices
ECemergency center; energy conservation; enteric coating (medication); emergency contraception
EIearly intervention
EIPextensor indicis proprius
EPSElectro-Physiologic Study
ETSenvironmental tobacco smoke (exposure)
FDIUfetal death in utero
FETforced expiratory technique; frozen embryo transfer
FIQFunctional Index Questionnaire
FNPfamily nurse practitioner
GABRB3GABAA receptor gene
GBGall Bladder; also Guillain Barre
GEA/GETAgeneral endotracheal anesthesia
HADhospital anxiety and depression [scale]
HBDhydroxybutyric dehydrogenase
HSMHolo-Systolic Murmur; also Hepato-Splenomegaly
LC-MSliquid chromatography mass spectrometry
LOBloss of balance
LPLumbar Puncture
M1mitral first sound
MAO-Bmonoamine oxidase-b
MEOmost efficient organization
MGLIgM phospholipid unit
MMPMultiple Medical Problems
MSDSmaterial safety data sheet
NHCNational Health Council
NKHGnonketotic hyperglycinemia
OLMCon-line medical control
PCODPoly-Cystic Ovarian Disease
PFDpersonal flotation device (life jacket)
PHIprotected health information
PJCpremature junctional contraction
PPDPurified Protein Derivative
PPEpersonal protection equipment; personal protective equipment
PSISposterior-superior iliac spine
PUSprostate ultrasound
RAIradioactive iodine
RBErelative biological effectiveness
RDRetinal Detachment; also Registered Dietician
RUDright uterine displacement
SCLCASmall Cell Lung Cancer
SEMIsubendocardial myocardial infarction
SGUstandard IgG beta-2 glycoprotein unit
SICUSurgical Intensive Care Unit
SLTspeech and language therapy; selective laser trabeculoplasty
TORPtotal ossicular replacement (prosthesis)
TPPAtreponema pallidum particle agglutination (assay)
U or u**Unit. Mistaken as the number 0 or 4, causing a 10-fold overdose or greater (for example, 4U seen as “40” or 4u seen as “44”); mistaken as “cc” so the dose is given in volume instead of units
UFUltra Filtration
ULNSupper limits of normal size
UMNUpper Motor Neuron
VCDvacuum constriction device; vocal cord dysfunction
VRSAvancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
deldelivery, delivered
eGFRestimated glomerular filtration rate [case sensitive]
monomonocyte; mononucleosis
o.n.every night (omni nocte)
qhevery hour
snRNPsmall nuclear ribonucleoproteins
tbctubercle bacillus