What does HCAN medical abbreviation mean?

What does the medical term HCAN stand for?

There may be more than one meaning of HCAN. However, what does the medical abbreviation HCAN stand for?

What does HCAN medical abbreviation mean?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation HCAN means Health Care for America NOW.

HCAN: Health Care for America NOW

Related Medical Abbreviations

AAPCArtificial Antigen Presenting Cell
ABPRAbnormal Blood Pressure Response to exercise
AMTSAbbreviated Mental Test Score
BHMSBachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery
BHOMBehavioral Health Outcomes Management
BIDTwice a Day
BMPsbone morphogenetic proteins
BRAIDEDbenefits, risks, alternatives, inquiries, decision, explanation, documentation
BSSbalanced salt solution
CDGSCarbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome
CEHQCollaborating for Excellence in Healthcare Quality
COMPcartilage oligomeric matrix protein
CPMIchronic and persistent mental illness
CRMGCheyenne Regional Medical Group
CUNTClit Undergoing Normal Trauma
DASHdietary approaches to stop hypertension (meal plan)
DJDDegenerative Joint Disease
DMHCDetroit Medical Health Connection
EAEexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis
EAMREuropean Aero Medical Repository
ECMMEuropean Confederation of Medical Mycology
EHTestrogen hormone therapy
EUSendoscopic ultrasound
EWCLExtended Wear Contact Lens
FFMFat Free Mass
FISHfluorescence in situ hybridization
GHRAGlobal Health Repurposing Awards
HIRSHealth Information and Resources Service
HMOhealth maintenance organization
HOPCHistory of Present Consultation
IADLSInstrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale
IARsInfusion-Associated Reactions
JALSJuvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
JHBMCJohns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
KVOKeep Vein Open
LETZloop electrosurgical excision procedure
LOMSCHleft otitis media, suppurative, chronic
M. tbmycobacterium tuberculosis
MDDMMedical Device Design and Manufacturing
MMCSMarshall Medical Centers South
MRFIMedical and Resource Facilitation Intervention
MRGmurmur rub gallop
MVDRMedical Volunteers for Disaster Response
MVSmitral valve stenosis; motor, vascular, and sensory
NPAFPNon-Polio Acute Flaccid Paralysis
NVnausea and vomiting
NYHANew York Heart Association
OHDOregon Health Division
OSLeft Eye
PHPRPharmaceutical Print-work
PIPProximal Inter-Phalangeal
PMIPProfessional Medical Information Page
PMRSPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service
PPOpreferred provider organization
PROPPhysicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing
PSOpatient services office
QHFMQueensland Health Funding Model
REEresting energy expenditure
REPAHARegional Education Programme for Animal Health Assistants
RPradial pulse; Raynaud’s phenomenon; retrograde pyelography; retinitis pigmentosa
RPPrate pressure product
SBPSpontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis; Systolic Blood Pressure
SIAstrip immunoblot assay
SOFASequential Organ Failure Assessment
STGshort-term goals; serum triglycerides
STTshort term tests
SnTin (element)
TCCurrent Temperature
TCRT cell (antigen) receptor
TDTetanus and Diptheria Vaccination; Tardive Dyskinesia
TDMTTraining Disaster Medicine Trainers
TIPSTransvenous Intrahepatic Porto-Systemic Shunt
TNSSTotal Nasal Symptom Score
UACumbilical artery catheter
URIUpper Respiratory tract Infection
WWHFWisconsin Womens Health Foundation
ZLIZona Limitans Intrathalamica
his-tRNAhistidyl-transfer RNA
immedimmediate, immediately (at once)
injinjection; injury
q.p.as much as desired (quantum placeat)
qhevery hour
quadquadrant; quadriceps

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