What does GLH medical abbreviation mean?

What is the medical term GLH?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of GLH abbreviation. However, what does the abbreviation GLH mean in medical terms?

What is the GLH medical abbreviation?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation GLH stands for Greenwood Leflore Hospital.

GLH: Greenwood Leflore Hospital

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACTMAustralasian College of Tropical Medicine
ADEAdverse Drug Effect
ALBCAntibiotic Loaded Bone Cement
ALDAlcoholic Liver Disease
AMEDDArmy MEDical Department
AMOSAutomated Medication Ordering System
ARFAcute Renal Failure
AWWHAlpha Wave Wellness Health
BIKASHBuilding In Knowledge Attitude Skills for Health
BORLBiomedical Optics Research Laboratory
BRUMBirmingham Rehabilitation Uptake Maximisation
BSTLBiopharma Stability Testing Laboratory
BVMPBega Valley Medical Practice
CAMAChronic Acute Medical Assistance
CIHRCanadian Institutes of Health Research
CKDCCentral KY Diagnostics Center
CMEDCentral Medical Emergency Direction
CPMRCCalifornia Pacific Medical Research Center
CPTchest physiotherapy; current procedural terminology; carnitine palmitoyl transferase
DCVMADallas County Veterinary Medical Association
DHIADairy Health Improvement Association
DMIdiaphragmatic myocardial infarction
DTADecision to Admit
ECGElectrocardiogram (also known as EKG)
ENerythema nodosum
FBJFreight Business Journal
GEFGranule, Effervescent
GLO1Glyoxalase I gene
HARAHospital Accounts Receivable Analysis
HEATHealth economic assessment tool
HIV/AIDSHuman Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
HbA1chemoglobin A1c
IAAAMInternational Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine
ICMLInternational Comm of Medical Librarians
ICOMPInternational Collaborative Occupational Medicine Program
IDIRInfectious Diarrhea of Infant Rats
ILLBIntraoperative Lavage of Large Bowel
IRMMIndian Railway Medical Manual
ISMHInternational Society of Men’s Health
IVTPIn-Vessel Transfer Position
IgGimmunoglobulin G
JDCSJapan Diabetic Complications Study
JFCHJohn F Cotton Hospital
LCLethal Concentration
LHNLocalized Hypertrophic Neuropathy
MAHUMichigan Association of Health Underwriters
MAOImonoamine oxidase inhibitor
MDEmajor depressive episode
MEDLARSMedical Literature Analysis and Retreival System
MESHMobile Expanded School Health
MHMMedical History Museum
MIMCMillennium Imaging Medical Center
MIPManaged Indemnity Program/Plan
MPRSDMobile Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery & Dermatology
MSPSMedical School Profile System
MYAMaa Yoga Ashram
NGRnasogastric replacement
NSAno significant abnormality
OPCOOrgan Pump Committee of Oberlin
P&Ppins and plaster
PBSCCPeripheral Blood Stem Cells Collection
PHSAAPublic Health Sciences Alumni Association (University of Alberta; Canada)
PJCpremature junctional contraction
PLPBPatient Level Physician Billing
PMDAPharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency
PTEpulmonary thromboembolism
PapPapanicolaou smear
QYEQuan Yin Experience
RCMARiverside County Medical Association
RDLRheumatology Diagnostics Laboratory
REMSrisk evaluation and mitigation strategy
SACCSSpinal Bifida Autism Cystic Fibrosis Cerebral Palsy Syndrome
SBI(S)Screening and Brief Intervention(S)
SCBUSpecial Care Baby Unit
SGPSensory GraphPlan
SMWSchweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift
SOSsinusoidal obstruction syndrome; help needed distress signal (save our ship)
SPECTsingle-photon emission computed tomography
SVNSmall Volume Nebulizer
TC&DBturn, cough, and deep breath
TMILTelesur Multimedia Innovation Laboratory
UOPurinary output
VADDVitamin A Deficiency Disorders
WCNWorld Congress of Neurology
WHGHWest Haldimand General Hospital
WSWwomen who have sex with women
q.o.d.every other day (quaque altera die)

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