What does DGHS mean in medical abbreviation?

What does the medical term DGHS stand for?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the DGHS abbreviation. Here is the meaning of DGHS mean in medical terms.

What does DGHS mean in medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation DGHS stands for Directorate General of Health Services.

DGHS: Directorate General of Health Services

Related Medical Abbreviations

AANAmerican Academy of Neurology
ADRAdverse Drug Reaction
AIBAir Inside Bone
ASATAspartate Aminotransferase
ASLAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
BBREBottom Belly Rounded Effect
BCPbirth control pill(s)
BIAFBrain Injury Association of Florida
BLASTBasic Local Alignment Search Tool
BNEDBiochemical Non-Evidence of Disease
BVTbilateral ventilation tube(s)
CBFcerebral blood flow
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
CDIClean Dry Intact
CMCSChinese Multi-Provincial Cohort Study
CPILCore Patient Information Leaflet
CRAUCertified Responsible Antibiotic Use
CRNPCertified Registered Nurse Practitioner
CVTCerebral Venous Thrombosis
CZBCertified Zero Balancer
DEBMDivision of Evidence Based Medicine
DFEDilated Fundus Examination
E&EEye and Ear
EECCEpidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium
ETeustachian tube; esotropia; embryo transfer; estrogen therapy; enterostomal therapist; endotracheal
FFHAFoundation for Female Health Awareness (Cincinnati, OH)
GFMgood fetal movement
GMCgeneral medical council
GONBGreater Occipital Nerve Block
H&HHemoglobin and Hematocrit
HEMSHelicopter Emergency Medical Service
HFMOHumanity First Medical Outreach
HMDhyaline membrane disease
HNHigh Nitrogen
HPHCHarvard Pilgrim Health Care
HPV4Human Papillomavirus vaccine, quadrivalent (Gardasil®)
ICERincremental cost effectiveness ratio
IUSintrauterine system
IWHCInternational Women’s Health Coalition
MBBSMedical Bachelor and Bachelor of Surgery
MDCATMedical Dental College Admission TEST
MIHEAMember Institute of Hospital Engineers Australia
MNIMBSMichigan Nanotechnology Institute for Medicine and Biological Sciences (Ann Arbor, MI)
MPEBMedical Premium Expense Benefit
MPHmiles per hour; Master of Public Health
MRFIMedical and Resource Facilitation Intervention
MRSEmethicillin-resistant staphylococcus epidermidis
NAMCSNational Ambulatory Medical Care Survey
NCIDNational Centre for Infectious Diseases
NGSnext generation sequencing
NHFANational Health Freedom Action
NOMRNorth Oakville Medical Research
NUCSNuclear Medicine
OLTOrthotopic Liver Transplant
OMSHROffice of Mine Safety and Health Research
PACpremature atrial contraction
POT ACID PHOSPotassium Acid Phosphate
PPFplasma protein fraction
PRESPosterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
PRTFPsychiatric Residential Treatment Facility
PTRplatelet transfusion reaction
RMLRight Middle Lobe
ROMPRural Ontario Medical Program
RVRrapid ventricular response
SAE(S)Serious Adverse Event(S)
SB5Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales 5th ed.
SCLSoft Contact Lens
SMERFStudent Medical Emergency Relief Fund
SMGsubmandibular gland
SMSSmith-Magenis syndrome
SORCCSouthern Oregon Rehabilitation Center and Clinics
STSNStichting Tubereuze Sclerosis Nederland
TARtotal ankle replacement; total all routes (intake)
TATITumor Associated Trypsin Inhibitor
TGFtransforming growth factor
TIMIthrombolysis in myocardial infarction
TNCUTrauma Neuro Care Unit
USAUnstable Angina
VAWGViolence Against Women and Girls
VHIVision Health Initiative
XOOPX-rays out of plaster
cm2square centimeter
noctnocturnal, night
o.d.once daily (omni die)
part. vic.in divided doses (partitis vicibus)
pdpupillary distance; prism diopter

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