What is AVE medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the AVE medical abbreviation?

There may be more than one meaning of AVE. However, what does the AVE medical term stand for?

AVE medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation AVE means Audio Visual Entrainment.

AVE: Audio Visual Entrainment

Related Medical Abbreviations

AF SurveyAtrial Fibrillation Survey
AGAAnti-Gliadin Antibodies
AGSCAmbystoma Genetic Stock Center
AKActinic Keratosis
ANMMAmerican National Medical Management
ANTI-CCPAnti-cyclic citrullinated peptide
AOSPRMAsia Oceania Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
AVMsArteriovenous malformations
BDIbeck depression inventory
BHACBehavioral Health Associates Cayman
BRCA2Breast Cancer 2
BSLCBrain Stem Locus Coeruleus
Bab.Babinski reflex
CDIRCell Death Inhibiting RNA (Ribo-Nucleic Acid)
CGMBCenter for Gene Manipulation in the Brain
CMCPCritcal Medical Care Program
CNTDCentre for Neglected Tropical Diseases
CSLComputer Systems Laboratory
DDiarrhea; also Disk
DDNCDigestive Disease National Coalition
DFLDown For Life
DIAVDuck Infectious Anemia Virus
DMCDestination Medical Center
EtOHEthanol or Ethyl alcohol
GEFGranule, Effervescent
GRIMEGroup on Research In Medical Education
GWGross Weight
HAMBHIV and AIDS Malignancy Branch
HELLPHemolysis Elevated Liver tests Low Platelets
HRANHospital Regional da Asa Norte
IMCPIntensive Medicine Clinical Program
IMPHInstitute for Medicine and Public Health
IPVDIntraPulmonary Vascular Dilatation
IRISImmune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome
IUCDintrauterine contraceptive device
J-tubejejunostomy tube
JEETJoint Effort to Eradicate Tuberculosis
JWRJust Within Reach
KASSKaneda Anterior Spinal Scoliosis
LFTSliver function test series
LLClong leg cast
LMHDLocal Mental Health Director
LMRPLocal Medical Review Policy
M2mitral second sound
ME&EIMassachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
MIBEMedical Informatics Biometry and Epidemiology
MIFAMedical Identity Fraud Alliance
MKWMcKenzie-Willamette Hospital
MMQMasters of Medical Qigong
MREPMedicare Remit Easy Print
MSHIMaster of Science in Health Informatics
NCCAOMNational Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
NIAMHNorthern Ireland Association for Mental Health
NMCDNatural Medicine Comprehensive Database
NMECNeonatal Meningitis Escherichia coli
NMRLNuclear Medicine Research Lab
OHMAOccupational Health Medical Adviser
PEMFpulsing electromagnetic field
PHApublic health advisory; phytohemagglutinin
PLEPleural effusion
PMHTPerinatal Mental Health Team
PMRDPhysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Division
PMSPremenstrual syndrome
POLHNPacific Open Learning Health Net
PROHProgressive Restoration Of Health
PSQIPittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
PTBDPercutaneous Transhepatic Biliary Drainage
PVRIPulmonary Vascular Resistance Index
RCEMRoyal College of Emergency Medicine
RHTCRural Health Training Centre
RPTrifapentine; registered physical therapist
RSPRoot Scaling and Planing
RUDASRowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale
SAIDCSan Antonio Infectious Diseases Consultants
SRSTStress Restrained Specimen Test
SUStroke Unit
TAVItranscatheter aortic valve implantation
TBYHTake Back Your Health
TDWBATTouch Down Weight Bearing As Tolerated
TRCBSTranslational Research Centers in Behavioral Science (US National Institutes of Health)
ULQUpper Left Quadrant
UOPurinary output
VRSMVéhicule de Réanimation et de secours médical
WFPSWater Filled Pore Space
WSHOWorkplace Safety And Health Officer
WtWeight. Body weight is often recorded as part of the physical examination.
noct.in the night (nocte)
p.r.rectally (per rectum [ Lat.])
p.v.vaginally (per vaginam) [ Lat.]

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