What does ARDI medical abbreviation stand for?

What is the definition of ARDI medical abbreviation?

In some cases, the abbreviation ARDI may have a few different meanings. However, what does the abbreviation ARDI stand for in medical terms?

What does ARDI mean in medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation ARDI means Alcohol Related Disease Impact.

ARDI: Alcohol Related Disease Impact

Related Medical Abbreviations

A/V RatioArteriolar/Venous Ratio
AARRArizona Arthritis and Rheumatology Research
AMDAging Macular Degeneration
BCPSBoard Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist
BDDbody dysmorphic disorder
BEDbinge eating disorder
BIBBrought In By
BL CXBlood Culture
BPVBenign Positional Vertigo
BVMPBega Valley Medical Practice
CCCAcentral centrifugal cicatricial alopecia
CCEClubbing, Cyanosis, Edema
CD-ROMcompact disc read-only memory
CPPDCalcium Pyrophosphate Disease
DCISDuctal Carcinoma In Situ
DLVCdouble lumen vascular catheter
DPLDiagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
DyDysprosium (element)
EDErectile Dysfunction
EDLextensor digitorum longus
EMTIEmergency Medical Technician Intermediate
ENAextractable nuclear antigen
EPSElectro-Physiologic Study
ESBLextended-spectrum beta laminase
F&Efluid and electrolyte
FFFfully formula fed; fibula free flap
FGTfemale genital tract
GAFglobal assessment of functioning
GPNGraduate Practical Nurse
HOCMHypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
HPLhuman placental lactogen
HSAhealth services administration; human serum albumin
IMVintermittent mandatory ventilation
IgAimmunoglobulin A
KUBKidneys Ureters and Bladder
L&Wliving and well
LBOLarge Bowel Obstruction
LDlearning disability; left deltoid; lactate dehydrogenase; lactic dehydrogenase; lethal dose
LOFAleft outer forearm
MCPJmetacarpophalangeal joint
MGFmaternal grandfather
MI-Dmentally ill and dangerous
MPHmiles per hour; Master of Public Health
MRCCMedical Representatives Certification Commission
MSRmotor sensory reflex
MSTmulti-systemic therapy
MUAmedically underserved areas
NKDANo Known Drug Allergies
OBSorganic brain syndrome; obstetrics
PABprofessional advisory board
PACpremature atrial contraction
PCODPoly-Cystic Ovarian Disease
PDAPatent Ductus Arteriosus
PDEpermitted daily exposure; phosphodiesterase
PTPhysical Therapy; Posterior Tibial; Prothrombin Time; Patient
PTHParathyroid hormone
QMPqualified medical practitioner
Qbblood flow
QoLquality of life
RLERight Lower Extremity
RVSRegistered Vascular Specialist
SASino-Atrial; Staph Aureus
SMBGself-monitoring of blood glucose
SRIserotonin reuptake inhibitor
STVshort term variability
T&ATonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
TAAThoracic Aortic Aneurysm
TACtime, amount, character (emesis, bleeding, drainage, etc.)
TDWBATTouch Down Weight Bearing As Tolerated
UCGurinary chorionic gonadotropin
UFRultrafiltration rate
UNSAUnstable Angina
VHFvery high frequency; viral hemorrhagic fever
VPCventricular premature contraction
esubelectronic submission
ggram, a unit of weight. The cream is available in both 30 and 60 gram tubes.
his-tRNAhistidyl-transfer RNA
in uterowithin the uterus
q.p.as much as desired (quantum placeat)
qodEvery other day. As in taking a medicine every other day.
ut. dict.as directed (ut dictum)

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