What is the APMT medical abbreviation?

What does the medical abbreviation APMT mean?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of APMT abbreviation. Below is the meaning that APMT abbreviation stands for.

APMT medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In science & medicine, the APMT medical abbreviation is the meaning of Advanced Physical Medicine and Therapy.

APMT: Advanced Physical Medicine and Therapy

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACEHSAAccrediting Commission on Education for Health Services Administration
ACHDL’Association Canadienne Hygiénistes Dentaires
ACVAll Common Vaccines
APHantepartum hemorrhage
BACblood alcohol concentration; bronchoalveolar cells
BARTBalloon Analogue Risk Task
BE PRNBoth Eyes Pro Re Nata (in Latin) when necessary
BHUbehavioral health unit
BPPVbenign paroxysmal positional vertigo
BUNBlood Urea Nitrogen
BWADEBleeding, Weight loss, Anemia, Dysphagia, Early satiety
COPEchronic obstructive pulmonary emphysema
CRAUCertified Responsible Antibiotic Use
CRScongenital rubella syndrome; chronic rhinosinusitis
DCDischarge; Discontinue; Doctor of Chiropractics
DMHODistrict Medical and Health Offices
DOHdepartment of health
ECLSextracorporeal life support
EDPMEuropean Diploma of Pain Medicine
EHCemergency hormonal contraception
EMElectron Microscopy
FDAFood and Drug Administration
FMfrequency modulation; fibromyalgia; fetal movement; family medicine
GUMgenitourinary medicine
GVHDGraft Versus Host Disease
H&HHemoglobin and Hematocrit
HARPAHelping AIDS in Resource Poor Areas
HB SAhepatitis B surface antigen
HEWDepartment of Health, Education, and Welfare
HOMEHealthy Outcomes Medical Excellence
IFEimmunofixation electrophoresis
IMMDInsulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
IPGimpedance plethysmography
L/S ratiolecithin to sphingomyelin ratio
LDRPlabor, delivery, recovery, postpartum room
LIMALeft Internal Mammary Artery
LMPLast Menstrual Period
LOCLoss Of Consciousness
LRSBlower right sternal border
MASTAMedical Advisory Service for Travellers Abroad
MCQmultiple-choice question
MERAMedical Equipment Repair Associates
MPCmaximum permitted concentration; mucopurulent cervicitis
MSFmeconium stained fluid
MTUSMedical treatment utilization schedule
MUCCMedical Urgent Care Clinic
OPERoutpatient with extended recovery
OTCOver The Counter
PAHpara-aminohippurate; polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon
PCACPick Collectors Against Cancer
PEPpost-exposure prophylaxis; phosphoenolpyruvate; pancreatic enzyme product
PETPositron Emission Tomography
PSROprofessional standards review organization
PTCpoints to consider; plasma thromboplastin component; percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography; papillary thyroid cancer
QIDFour times per day
ROFAright outer forearm
RTIreverse transcriptase inhibitors; respiratory tract infection
SMRsubmucous resection; standardized mortality ratio; sexual maturity rating
SOBOEshort of breath on exertion
SPFSun Protection Formula
TARtotal ankle replacement; total all routes (intake)
TMNTumor Metastases Nodes (universal tumor staging system)
TSHThyroid Stimulating Hormone
TWEtap water enema
TlThallium (element)
URIUpper Respiratory tract Infection
VDRLvenereal disease research laboratory
VZVvaricella zoster virus
YbYtterbium (element)
cPcentipoise unit
hsat bedtime (hora somni)
prnas required/needed (pro re nata)
t.d.s.to be taken three times daily
varvariation, variety
wmwhite male

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