What does Dx medical abbreviation stand for?

What does the medical abbreviation Dx mean?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation Dx. However, what does the medical term Dx stand for?

What is the Dx medical abbreviation?

In the medicine field, the Dx abbreviation stands for diagnosis.

Dx: diagnosis

Related Medical Abbreviations

A/PAssessment and Plan
AAAAbdominal Aortic Aneurysm
CMOcare management organization; chief medical officer; comfort measures only
CNEchronic nervous exhaustion
COBcoordination of benefits; close of business
COCcauterization of the cervix; Certificate of Coverage; combined oral contraceptive
CVOUcardiovascular outpatient unit
DAdevelopmental age; dopamine
DAWdispense as written
DISIDAdiisopropyl iminodiacetic acid (cholescintigraphy)
DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid; does not apply
DNKAdid not keep appointment
E&Aevaluate and advise
ESEpidural Steroids
FEFforced expiratory flow (rate)
FICSFellow of the International College of Surgeons
FeLVfeline leukemia virus
HACEHigh Altitude Cerebral Edema
HAGGheat-aggregated IgG
HGHhuman growth hormone
IBMinclusion body myositis
IDGinterdisciplinary group
IDTinterdisciplinary team
IHInguinal Hernia (usually preceded by L or R)
IPDintermittent peritoneal dialysis
IVDUIntravenous Drug Use
KBketone bodies; knee brace
MELDmodel for end-stage liver disease
MONAmorphine, oxygen, nitrates, aspirin
NAFLDnon-alcoholic fatty liver disease
NSVDnormal spontaneous vaginal delivery
OPQRSTonset, provocation, quality, radiation, severity, time
P&Apercussion and auscultation
PJPPneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia
PROMpassive range of motion; premature rupture of membranes; patient-reported outcome measure
PRSPpenicillin-resistant streptococcus pneumoniae
QCquality control
RNSTreactive non stress test
S/Eside effects
Svsievert (unit)
TNTMtoo numerous to mention
UOUrine Output
VADvascular access device
VERvisual evoked response
q.i.d.Four times daily. As in taking a medicine four times daily.
qhsAt each bedtime. As in taking a medicine each bedtime.

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