What does Ala mean in medical abbreviation?

What is the medical definition of Ala abbreviation?

In some cases, the abbreviation Ala may have a few different meanings. Here is the meaning of Ala mean in medical terms.

Ala medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In medicine, the medical abbreviation Ala stands for Alanine.

Ala: Alanine

Related Medical Abbreviations

AIAortic Insufficiency
BCMbody cell mass
BCOPBoard Certified Oncology Pharmacist
BETBenign Essential Tremor
BMSburning mouth syndrome; bone marrow suppression
BSIblood stream infection; body substance isolation
C/TGcholesterol/triglyceride ratio
CETRcare, education and treatment review
CHEMSCommunity Health Emergency Medical Services
CLDDCross Linked Diethylaminoethyl Dextran
CPMIchronic and persistent mental illness
CRAclinical research associate
CRDchronic respiratory disease
CUmcubic micron
DCDischarge; Discontinue; Doctor of Chiropractics
DPLDiagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
DSM-IVDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition
DUIdriving under the influence
FAMRIFlight Attendant Medical Research Institute
FBMfetal breathing movements
FEFforced expiratory flow (rate)
FGMfemale genital mutilation
FHLflexor hallucis longus
FSHFollicle Stimulating Hormone
GPCGram Positive Coccus
HBDhydroxybutyric dehydrogenase
HCCHepatocellular Carcinoma
HDIhigh-definition imaging
HIV-RNAviral load of HIV
HUCOMHadhramout Uni College of Medicine
ICSintercostal space; inhaled corticosteroid
IDRidiosyncratic drug reaction
IGIVimmune globulin intravenous
JODjuvenile-onset diabetes
KCLPotassium chloride.
LFTSliver function test series
LLBlong leg brace
LUTSLower Urinary Tract Symptoms
M&Fmother and father
MBPSMunchausen-by-proxy syndrome
MLDmedian lethal dose; metachromatic leukodystrophy; minimum lethal dose
MMPMultiple Medical Problems
MOAmemorandum of agreement; mechanism of action
MUFAmonounsaturated fatty acids
NMSNeuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
OBUSobstetrical ultrasound
ORLOto-Rhino Laryngology
PCCPoison Control Center
PEG INFpegylated interferon
PFOPatent Foramen Ovale
PHApublic health advisory; phytohemagglutinin
PR/Rper rectum/rectal
RAEright atrial enlargement
RBCRed Blood Cell
RFFFradial forearm free flap
RPhregistered pharmacist
RoRo antigen
SFeSerum Iron
SISuicidal Ideation
SI unitsInternational System of Units (Systeme International)
SIMDsubstance-induced mood disorder
TEEtransesophageal echocardiography; transesophageal endoscopy; transesophageal echocardiogram
THATotal Hip Arthroplasty
TRBFtotal renal blood flow
TcTechnetium (element)
UAUrine Analysis; also Uric Acid
VMDDoctor of Veterinary Medicine
difdifferential blood count
femfemoral; female
ininch (25.4 mm); inch
infinferior; infant
osteoosteo myelitis
perperiod(ic); for each; through or by
sp grspecific gravity
u/ourine output
ut dictAs directed. As in taking a medicine according to the instructions that the health care professional gave in the office or in the past
varvariation, variety

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