What does FHL medical abbreviation mean?

What does the medical term FHL stand for?

In some cases, the abbreviation FHL may have a few different meanings. Here is the meaning of FHL mean in medical terms.

What is the FHL medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the FHL medical abbreviation is the meaning of flexor hallucis longus.

FHL: flexor hallucis longus

Related Medical Abbreviations

BALbronchoalveolar lavage; British anti-Lewisite; blood alcohol level
BSLEbullous systemic lupus erythematosus
BVbacterial vaginosis
CCChief Complaint
CHcongenital hypothyroidism; clinical hold
CRconditioned reflex; creatinine; complete remission; controlled release (medication); crown-rump length
CVSchorionic villus sampling; chronic villus sampling; clean-voided specimen; computer vision syndrome
DL-PICCdouble lumen peripherally inserted central catheter
E&Aevaluate and advise
Endoendometriosis; endocrine
FFPFresh Frozen Plasma
FTA-ABSfluorescent treponemal antibody absorption
GGTPgamma gluteryl transpeptidase
HCCHepatocellular Carcinoma
HPhot pack
IICPincreased intracranial pressure
IMIInferior Myocardial Infarction
INRInternational Normalized Ratio
LFDlow fat diet
LGSILlow-grade squamous, intra-epithelial lesion
LTLight Touch
LuLutetium (element)
MEFRmaximum expiratory flow rate
NKFAno known food allergies
NVAneurovascular assessment
NaOHsodium hydroxide
PD&Ppostural drainage and percussion
PPIProton Pump Inhibitor
PUBSpercutaneous umbilical blood sampling
PUSprostate ultrasound
PUVApsoralen ultraviolet a
QMquality management
RAASrenin angiotensin aldosterone system
RSBregular sinus bradycardia
RULRight Upper Lobe; Right Upper Lid
SANEsexual assault nurse examiner
SNOMEDsystematized nomenclature of medicine
TACtime, amount, character (emesis, bleeding, drainage, etc.)
VIPVasoactive Intestinal Peptide
fl drfluid dram
fl ozfluid ounce
in uterowithin the uterus
syrsyringe; syrup

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