What does ADWG medical abbreviation stand for?

What is ADWG in medical terms?

In some cases, the abbreviation ADWG may have a few different meanings. However, what does the abbreviation ADWG stand for in medical terms?

ADWG medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In the medicine field, the ADWG abbreviation stands for Asthma Data WorkGroup.

ADWG: Asthma Data WorkGroup

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30/40thirty weeks pregnant
AALAutomated Anatomical Labeling
AAMAlcohol Awareness Month
ABBHAlexian Brothers Behavioral Health
ACLTAnterior Cruciate Ligament Transection
ADLActivities of Daily Living
AMCBAmerican Midwifery Certification Board
AMKAdventure Medical Kits
ARLAerospace Robotics Laboratory
ATAGIAustralian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation
BPADbipolar affective disorder
BUMCBaylor University Medical Center
CAHICentral American Healthcare Initiative
CHITSCommunity Health Information Tracking System
CIN IICervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia grade 2
CLIcritical limb ischemia
CMRPCentre for Medical Radiation Physics
CORCoronary Observation Radio
CVDcardiovascular disease; cerebrovascular disease
DADLDigital Age Dental Laboratories
DPSIDynamic Postural Stability Index
DTaPdiphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis
DWdistilled water
EAPGEnhanced Ambulatory Patient Groupings
EGDEsophago-Gastro Duodenoscopy
EHPEmployer Health Programs
EJExternal Jugular
FAMCFitzsimons Army Medical Center
FBK(S)Fixed Bearing Knee{S}
FCCMGFamily Care Centers Medical Group
GCSFGranulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor
GMIGGeriatric Medicine Interest Group
HAZOPhazard and operability
HCFAHealth Care For All
HCSGHealthcare Services Group
HEORHealth Economic and Outcomes Research
HKMSHospital Kosher Meals Service
HL7Health Level 7
HPFHHereditary Persistence of Fetal Hemoglobin
HSDCHearing, Speech & Deafness Center
HVACCHigh Voltage Activated Calcium Channel
IGRAinterferon gamma release assay
IJInternal Jugular
IPRTIntensive Psychiatric Rehabilitation Treatment
KPHOKent Public Health Observatory
LBIDLaboratory for Brain Injury and Dementia
MBRSMedical Bureau of Road Safety
MEPSMedical Expenditure Panel Survey
MHRMMental Health Recovery Measure
MHWMental Health Weekly
MLIMaster of Laboratory Investigation
MOmedical officer; months old
MSETMedical Surgical Emergency Team
MSRRMedical Student Rights and Responsibilities
NRCnational research council; normal retinal correspondence
NUPnecrotizing ulcerative periodontitis
OASISOn-line Asperger’s Syndrome Information and Support
OCCLOfficial Cosmetics Control Laboratories
OHLSOccupational Hearing Loss Surveillance
ONDCPOffice of National Drug Control Policy
OTLOut To Lunch
PBMCperipheral blood mononuclear cell
PCOHPennsylvania Coalition for Oral Health
PI3phosphatidylinositol 3
PPSV23Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine (23-valent) (formerly called PPV or PPV23)
QSDQuit Smoking Diary
Qbblood flow
RCCRenal Cell Cancer
RHFright heart failure
RSPHRoyal Society for Public Health
SARDSSudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome
SCGMStem Cell Growth Medium
SMASSports Medicine Association Singapore
SOFASequential Organ Failure Assessment
SVRsustained virologic response; systemic vascular resistance
TDFtestes determining factor
TGPDTransmucosal Gastric Potential Difference
TMStympanic membranes; transcranial magnetic stimulation
V-HIVVaccine for Human Immunodeficiency Virus
VCUGVoiding Cysto-Urethrogram
VHIVision Health Initiative
WBTLWheel and Brake Technical Laboratory
WLHCWhole Life Health Care
WMJWisconsin Medical Journal
XOOPX-rays out of plaster
rACCrostral Anterior Cingulate Cortex

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