ADRT medical abbreviation, what does it stand for?

What does the abbreviation ADRT stand for in medical terms?

In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of ADRT. However, what does ADRT mean in medical terms?

What does ADRT medical abbreviation stand for?

In science & medicine, the medical term ADRT means Advanced Decision to Refuse Treatment.

ADRT: Advanced Decision to Refuse Treatment

Related Medical Abbreviations

ADRAdverse Drug Reaction
CBLLcapillary blood lead level
CBOcommunity based organization
CHCcommunity health center; continuing health care
CLNclinical lead/liaison nurse
CMVCyto-Megalo Virus
CSHcombat support hospital
DFVdoppler flow velocimetry
DMSA2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid
DOAdate of admission; duration of action; dead on arrival
DRESSdrug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms
DSM-VDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition
DWIdriving while intoxicated
ESEpidural Steroids
EUAemergency use authorization; examination under anesthesia; examination under anesthetic
FNPfamily nurse practitioner
FSBGfinger stick blood glucose/sugar
FSEfetal scalp electrode
GABAgamma-aminobutyric acid
GFRglomerular filtration rate
GHIHgrowth hormone-inhibiting hormone
GUGenito-Urinary; also Gastric Ulcer
GvHDGraft vs. host disease. It is complicated by the syndromes of acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD).
H FLUHaemophilus Influenza
HMTTHyperbaric Medicine Team Training
HOSAhealth occupations students of
HPLChigh-performance liquid chromatography
Hephepatoma cell line
IGF-1insulin-like growth factor 1
IHDischemic heart disease
ISGimmune serum globulin
LGLlarge granular lymphocyte; Lown Ganong Levine syndrome
LOOPloop electrosurgical excision procedure
LTClong-term care (facility); long-term condition; low transverse cervical (c/s)
M&Fmother and father
MAImycobacterium avium intracellular
MMMultiple Myeloma
MP MIAmicrolatex particle mediated immunoassay
MPCmaximum permitted concentration; mucopurulent cervicitis
MSNMaster of Science in Nursing
MSSAMethicillin Sensitive Staph Aureus
MTDmaximum tolerated dose; month-to-date
MgSO4magnesium sulfate
NDAnon-disclosure agreement; next doctors appointment; new drug application
NMnon monitored; nodular melanoma; neuromuscular
NSNormal Saline
OLTOrthotopic Liver Transplant
OOHout of hospital
OUBoth Eyes
PALSPediatric Advanced Life Support
PFDpersonal flotation device (life jacket)
PHApublic health advisory; phytohemagglutinin
PMHxpast medical history
POEpoint of entry
PPSpostpartum sterilization
PPTplasma preparation tube; partial prothrombin time; positive pregnancy test
QCquality control
QLquality of life
RBBBRight Bundle Branch Block
RHDRheumatic Heart Disease
RIUradioactive iodine uptake (test)
RUERight Upper Extremity
S1first heart sound
SDstandard deviation
SMAsequential multiple analyzer; spinal muscular atrophy; superior mesenteric artery
T&Xtype and crossmatch
TEFtracheoesophageal fistula
TPATissue Plasminogen Activator
TSHThyroid Stimulating Hormone
UCLulnar collateral ligament
UCXUrine Culture
V&PVagotomy and Pyloroplasty
XLextra large; extended-release be taken tomorrow morning (cras mane sumendus)
pdpupillary distance; prism diopter
q.i.d.Four times daily. As in taking a medicine four times daily.

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