ACIM medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

What is the medical term ACIM?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation ACIM. However, what does the medical abbreviation ACIM mean?

ACIM medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

In science & medicine, the medical abbreviation ACIM stands for Academy of Comprehensive Integrated Medicine.

ACIM: Academy of Comprehensive Integrated Medicine

Related Medical Abbreviations

AJMDSAmerican Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences
APOEapolipoprotein E
AQ DISTDistilled Water
ATSAmerican Thoracic Society
BE PRNBoth Eyes Pro Re Nata (in Latin) when necessary
BHMPBehavioral Health Medical Professional
BMSburning mouth syndrome; bone marrow suppression
BORLBiomedical Optics Research Laboratory
BOTbase of tongue
BTCMBasics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
C&Pcrowning and pushing
C-spinecervical spine
CALRChronische Aspecifieke Lage Rugpijn
CGchorionic gonadotropin
COVID-18Coronavirus Disease 2018
CVDcardiovascular disease; cerebrovascular disease
DFRdialysate flow rate
DHCADubai Healthcare City Authority
DNETDysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumours
DSMDiagnostic and Statistical Manual
DyDysprosium (element)
E/OEvidence Of
E8Elimination 8 initiative (Malaria)
ECPSEmergency Care Physician Services
EDVepidermodysplasia verruciformis
EMElectron Microscopy
FSCCFracture, Simple, Complete, Comminuted
GdGadolinium (element)
GvHDGraft vs. host disease. It is complicated by the syndromes of acute and chronic graft-vs-host disease (GVHD).
HBCBHepatitis B Core Antibody
HCLHard Contact Lens
HCMHealth Care Maintenance
HCMVhuman cytomegalovirus
IBVInfectious Bronchitis Virus
IDDinsulin dependent diabetes
IEHInstitutional Environmental Health
IOPIntra-Ocular Pressure
IPGimpedance plethysmography
IPTIIntermittent Preventive Treatment in Infants
IVRAintravenous regional anesthesia
IVTPIn-Vessel Transfer Position
LHRHLeutinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone
MCCGMedical Center of Central Georgia,
MGmyasthenia gravis
MRAmagnetic resonance angiography
MSEmental status examination
MSHAMining Safety Health Administration
MUGAmultiple gated acquisition
N/Cnasal cannula; no complaints
NALHNorth American Life Health
NCIDNational Centre for Infectious Diseases
NELFTNorth East London NHS Foundation Trust
NHONonprofit Healthcare Organization
NMNMNaprapathic Medicine of New Mexico
OH-hydroxyl ion
OMDorganic mental disorders
OMIEOnline Medical Information Exchange
PAADPharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled
PCDCPrimary Care Development Corporation
PCHPPrimary Care Health Partners
PCOprimary care organization; polycystic ovarian disease
PDWPassive Death Wish
PEPhysical Exam; also Pulmonary Embolism
PFOPatent Foramen Ovale
PIGpigtail catheter; policy implementation guide
PMHTPerinatal Mental Health Team
PNIperipheral nerve injury
PRSPpenicillin-resistant streptococcus pneumoniae
RARight Atrium
RACright antecubital
RASrenal artery stenosis; renin-angiotensin system; reticular activating system
ROAright occiput anterior
S/Ssigns and symptoms
SCrserum creatinine
TARtotal ankle replacement; total all routes (intake)
TAROMtotal active range of motion
TBAto be admitted; to be announced
UVBultraviolet B (rays)
VDUsVideo Display Units
WMANWithdrawal Management Association Of Ontario
gradby degrees; gradual
mppcfmillions of particles per cubic foot (air)
nvvisual acuity for near
recrecommend or recommended
saRNASmall Activating Ribonucleic Acid
suprsuperior, supervision

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