What does GHIH medical abbreviation stand for?

What is GHIH in medical terms?

In some cases, the abbreviation GHIH may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation GHIH mean?

What does GHIH medical abbreviation stand for?

In the medical field, the medical abbreviation GHIH stands for growth hormone-inhibiting hormone.

GHIH: growth hormone-inhibiting hormone

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CFUcolony forming unit
CLODclinical lead for organ donation
CRTCertified Respiratory Therapist; capillary refill time; cardiac resynchronization therapy
CSMcervical spondylotic myelopathy; circulation, sensory, and motor
CUmcubic micron
DFSPdermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
DOPTdirectly observed preventative therapy
DPMDoctor of Podiatric Medicine
DPTdiphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (vaccine)
FOCfronto-occipital circumference
FVCforced vital capacity
GBSGroup B streptococcus; Guillain-Barre syndrome; gallbladder series
H2Histamine 2
HAARTHighly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy
HCWhealth care worker
IDUidouridizine; idoxuridine; injection drug user
IPNinterstitial pneumonia
ITPIdiopathic Thrombocytopenia
LAEleft atrial enlargement
LFDlow fat diet
LTClong-term care (facility); long-term condition; low transverse cervical (c/s)
MIFmelanocyte-inhibiting factor
MTBImild traumatic brain injury
NLTnot less than
NRCnational research council; normal retinal correspondence
P-Aposteroanterior; posterior-anterior; placenta abruption
PIAprolonged infantile apnea
PIPOTpersons in positions of trust
POApower of attorney
PVTparoxysmal ventricular tachycardia
PZIprotamine zinc insulin
PrEPpre-exposure prophylaxis
R/IRule In
RDHRegistered Dental Hygienist
RSCright subclavian
T/Cto consider
UAPunlicensed assistive personnel; unstable angina pectoris
V fibventricular fibrillation
certcertified, certificate
noctnocturnal, night
spspecific gravity; species; space