What is the WNEP medical abbreviation?

What is the definition of WNEP medical abbreviation?

The abbreviation WNEP may have a few different meanings. However, what does the abbreviation WNEP stand for in medical terms?

What does WNEP medical abbreviation mean?

In science & medicine, the WNEP medical abbreviation is the meaning of Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program.

WNEP: Wisconsin Nutrition Education Program

Related Medical Abbreviations

AATDAlpha Anti Trypsin Deficiency
AFMEArmed Forces Medical Examiners
AMLACAssociation of Medicine Lake Area Citizens
ASHMAssociate Safety Health Manager
BCAbichloroacetic acid
BIRMBiomechanics in Regenerative Medicine
BPAbisphenol A
C4Fourth Cervical Vertebra
CAVPcontinuous arterial venous pressure
CIMCentre for Integrative Medicine
CKDchronic kidney disease
CVFConfrontation visual field
D/Cdiscontinue; discharge
DC(S)Dendritic Cell(S)
DCHSDickinson County Healthcare System
DEADrug Enforcement Administration
DIFAautomated differential
DMHRDisaster Mental Health Response
FACRFellow of the American College of Radiology
FDLMPfirst date last menstrual period
FHBflexor hallucis brevis; fetal heartbeat
GM&SGeneral Medicine and Surgery
HAAhepatitis-associated antigen
HCPhealth care provider/professional
HClhydrochloric acid (hydrogen chloride)
HEALHealth Epidemiology Advanced Learning
HHAhome health aide; home health agency
HITHeparin Induced Thrombocytopenia
HPHCHarvard Pilgrim Health Care
HSDOHealth Services Delivery and Organization
HepAhepatitis A
IDDMInsulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
IMHInternal Moving Healing
INHTInstitute of Natural Health Technologies
JEMSEmergency Medical Services
LOVLast Office Visit
LTLlaparoscopic tubal ligation
LTOTLong Term Oxygen Therapy
MANYMedical Activists of New York
MEOmost efficient organization
MHTmenopause hormone therapy; mental health therapist
MISMEMultiple inherited schwannomas, meningiomas, and ependymomas
MSSRMedical Students For Social Responsibility
NAPNESNational Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service
NDSHNon Direct Self Harm
NFnational formulary; neurofibromatosis
NGMCNortheast Georgia Medical Center
NMAANuclear Medicine Advanced Associate
NMETNebraska Medical Education Trust
NMWNavy Medicine West
OBUSobstetrical ultrasound
OCGoral cholecystogram
OSRopen septo-rhinoplasty
OTRregistered occupational therapist
PHCGPublicis Healthcare Communications Group
PHICProfessional Healthcare Instructor Certification
PMOCPersonalized Medicine and Outcomes Center
PNVprenatal vitamins
QCTquantitative computed tomography
QHSEvery Night
QMPqualified medical practitioner
RASTradioallergosorbent test
RIErecorded in error
RLBRight Lateral Bending
SA nodesinoatrial node
SHISpirituality Health Inventory
SHOTASexual Health on The Agenda
SIPsterilization in place
SMGsubmandibular gland
SP/GPsuicide precautions/general precautions
SQVsaquinavir (antiviral drug)
Svsievert (unit)
TNF-Itumor necrosis factor inhibitor
UVCumbilical venous catheter
VERvisual evoked response
WBATWeight Bearing As Tolerated
WHIPWyoming Health Insurance Pool
YEYellow Enzyme
bpmbeats per minute
mg/dlmilligrams per deciliter
pHhydrogen ion concentration (measure of acidity/alkalinity)
ststraight; stage (disease); stomach

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