What does medical abbreviation UCLV mean?
The abbreviation UCLV may have a few different meanings. However, what does the UCLV medical term mean?
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What is UCLV medical abbreviation?
In science & medicine, the UCLV medical abbreviation is the meaning of Chloride Excretion rate.
UCLV: Chloride Excretion rate
Related Medical Abbreviations
AGMC | Agartala Government Medical College |
AMBSR | Advances in Medical and Biological Science Research |
AMEND | Association for Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Disorders |
BEq | bioequivalence |
BF | breast feed(ing); boyfriend |
BIPM | Biomedical Informatics and Personalized Medicine |
BM | Bone Marrow; also Bowel Movement |
BMBS | Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences |
BNP | brain natriuretic peptide; B-type natriuretic peptide |
BPEL | Bone Pressed Erect Length |
BTL | bilateral tubal ligation |
BTR | Biceps Tendon Reflex |
Bab. | Babinski reflex |
C/D | Cup to Disk ratio |
CHPPM | Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine |
CNMC | Central Nebraska Medical Clinic |
CPHI | Canadian Population Health Initiative |
DDST | Denver Developmental Screening Test |
DMC | Destination Medical Center |
DRA | Distal Rectal Adenocarcinoma |
DXA | dual x-ray absorptiometry |
EDR | electrodermal response |
ETGR | Early Tumor Growth Rate |
FR BB | Fracture of both bones |
GONB | Greater Occipital Nerve Block |
GSS | Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker disease |
HPMC | Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center |
HPSCI | Head Posture Spinal Curvature Instrument |
HSCQC | Health System Clinical Quality Committee |
ICSM | Integrative Centers for Science and Medicine |
IDCH | Institute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital |
INCL | Infantile Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis |
IOP | Intra-Ocular Pressure |
IPV | inactivated poliovirus (vaccine); intrapulmonary percussive ventilation |
KCTT | kaolin cephalin thromboplastin time |
KVO | Keep Vein Open |
LAMOS | Large Animal Medicine Obstetrics and Surgery |
LFTS | liver function test series |
LOFA | left outer forearm |
MAGH | Medical Anthropology and Global Health |
MAKS | Medical Aid Kit Station |
MCOP | Medical Center Orthotics Prosthetics |
METC | Medical Evaluation and Treatment Clinic |
MNTN | Mid Nebraska Telemedicine Network |
MPRSD | Mobile Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery & Dermatology |
MSE | mental status examination |
NCAT | Normocephalic Atraumatic |
NEMB | New England Medical Billing |
NUMI | Numeracy Understanding in Medicine Instrument |
OAHPP | Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion Act |
ODT | orally disintegrating tablet |
OG | orogastric |
OLGC | Osteoclast-Like Giant Cell (tumor) |
OMFS | oral and maxillofacial surgery |
PBRSS | Prevention Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System |
PEJ | percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy |
PLSS | portable life-support system |
PMAC | Professional Medical Assessment Centres |
PSDA | patient self-determination act |
R/V | Review |
REHAB | rehabilitation |
RFB | rifabutin |
RIFA | right inner forearm |
RLF | retrolental fibroplasia |
RNU | Radiology- Nuclear Medicine |
RUE | Right Upper Extremity |
SCBE | Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics |
SFN | Small Fiber Neuropathy |
SHPG | School Health Professional Grant |
SIHP | Stress Indicator and Health Planner |
SNA | Spiffy New Anesthesia |
SRDRP | Stress-Related Disorders Research Program |
SVRI | systemic vascular resistance index |
SW | Social Work; Stab Wound |
TCHA | Tehama County Health Agency |
TGA | transposition of the great arteries (formerly TGV, transposition of the great vessels) |
TJ | Tendon Jerk |
TRAIN | The Redstone Acceleration & Innovation Network |
TUIP | transurethral incision of the prostate |
TVH | total vaginal hysterectomy |
TW | T Wave |
Tingle | Experiencing slight prickling (not acrynom) |
VEGF | vascular endothelial growth factor |
VPH | Virus del Papiloma Humano |
WAJM | West African Journal of Medicine |
WHFD | Women’s Health and Fitness Day |
YCHS | York Centre for Health Studies |
diph | diphtheria |
eIPV | enhanced-potency inactivated poliovirus vaccine |
mOsm | milliosmole |
perm | permanent |