INCL medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

What does the medical abbreviation INCL stand for?

In some cases, the abbreviation INCL may have a few different meanings. However, what does the abbreviation INCL mean in medical terms?

INCL medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In the medicine field, the medical abbreviation INCL means Infantile Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis.

INCL: Infantile Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACAnterior Chamber; also Acromio-Clavicular and Before Meals
AFBAcid Fast Bacterium
AFMEArmed Forces Medical Examiners
AHCPRAdministration for Health Care Policy and Research
APSIAnterior-Posterior Stability Index
AVNAvascular Necrosis; Atrio-Ventricular
BAMSBachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery
BRUMBirmingham Rehabilitation Uptake Maximisation
BTFSbreast tumor frozen section
BWFIBacteriostatic Water For Injection
CAHECentre for Allied Health Evidence
CAMEComputer Aided Medical Engineering
CAPProstate Cancer; Community Acquired Pneumonia
CCCCentral Corneal Clouding
CCSSChildhood Cancer Survivor Study
CHINCommunity Health Information Network
CHPPMCenter for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
CINcervical intraepithelial neoplasia
CPM POLChlorPheniraMine POListirex
CPMACanadian Podiatric Medical Association
CPMOCenter for Polar Medical Operations
CRAPcontinuous positive airway pressure
CZBCertified Zero Balancer
DIPDistal Inter-Phalangeal
DNHdo not hospitalize
DORWGDiabetes and Obesity Research Working Group
DQdevelopmental quotient
EBAepidermolysis bullosa acquisita
ECLAMEuropean Consensus Lupus Activity Measure
EDLextensor digitorum longus
EMEDExpeditionary Medical Encounter Database
ESLDEnd Stage Liver Disease
ESRFend stage renal failure
Ed.DDoctor of Education
FBMfetal breathing movements
FHLflexor hallucis longus
FMTEfull mouth tooth extraction
FUHSFinch University of Health Sciences
GHWGlobal Health Watch
HAHUHouston Association of Health Underwriters
HBAghepatitis B antigen
HIALHealth Information Access Layer
HIVHuman Immunodeficiency Virus
HbFHemoglobin F
HgbA1cglycosylated hemoglobin
HoHolmium (element)
JLJudkins left (catheter)
LETlidocaine, epinephrine, tetracaine
LHNLocalized Hypertrophic Neuropathy
LOQlower outer quadrant
LPIlaser peripheral iridotomy
LRPATLaboratoire de Radiopathologie (French: Radiopathology Laboratory)
LTSSLong-Term Services and Supports
MPVmean platelet volume
MVImultivitamin (injection)
N/VNausea or vomiting.
NPPVnoninvasive positive pressure ventilation
NWBnon weight bearing
NaOHsodium hydroxide
OPHEPOffice of Public Health Emergency Preparedness (HHS)
PADPpulmonary artery diastolic pressure
PBCPrimary Billiary Cirrhosis
PEG INFpegylated interferon
PEPpost-exposure prophylaxis; phosphoenolpyruvate; pancreatic enzyme product
PHSPublic Health Service
POLSTphysician orders for life-sustaining therapy
QNSQuantity Not Sufficient
R/Lright to left
RHCRight Heart Cath
RLWright lateral wrist
ROMRange Of Motion
ROTARotavirus Vaccine (replaced by RV1 and RV5)
SARMsSelective Androgen Receptor Modulators
SDTspeech discrimination threshold (audiometry)
SMGsubmandibular gland
SOLspace occupying lesion
SPsuprapubic (catheter); Sanofi Pasteur
T&SType and Screen
TLCTriple Lumen Catheter; Total Lung Capacity
TPEtotal plasma exchange
U aunit a
V tachventricular tachycardia
VBACVaginal Birth After Cesearean Section
VCDvacuum constriction device; vocal cord dysfunction

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