What is the meaning of UBAC medical abbreviation?

What is the medical term UBAC?

The abbreviation UBAC may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical abbreviation UBAC stand for?

UBAC medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In science & medicine, the UBAC medical term mean Unassisted Birth After Cesarean.

UBAC: Unassisted Birth After Cesarean

Related Medical Abbreviations

AnuricNot producing urine. A person who is anuric is often critical and may require dialysis.
BALbronchoalveolar lavage; British anti-Lewisite; blood alcohol level
BAPENBritish Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
BCCBasal Cell Carcinoma
BCCTPbreast and cervical cancer (treatment) program
BDNFbrain-derived neurotrophic factor
BOMbilateral otitis media
BSOBilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. A BSO is the removal of both of the ovaries and adjacent Fallopian tubes and often is performed as part of a total abdominal hysterectomy.
CHLconductive hearing loss
CHOICECreative Health Options In Community Environments
COBcoordination of benefits; close of business
CvScardiovascular system
D/C or DCDiscontinue or discharge. For example, a doctor will D/C a drug. Alternatively, the doctor might DC a patient from the hospital.
D/NSdextrose in normal saline
DDHdevelopmental dysplasia of the hip
DDXDifferential Diagnosis
DDxdifferential diagnosis
DTADdrain tube attachment device
EJMCElectronic Jordan Medical Council
EPRelectron paramagnetic resonance; electronic patient record; emergency physical restraints
FDIFirst Dorsal Interosseous
FESSfunctional endoscopic sinus surgery
FGTfemale genital tract
H2SO2sulfuric acid
HBheart block
HUSHemolytic Uremic Syndrome
IFRinfection fatality ratio; instrument flight rules
IHDischemic heart disease
IV&Vindependent verification and validation
IVDAintravenous drug abuse
L-1first lumbar vertebra
LARLow Anterior Resection
LBPLow Back Pain
LGVlymphogranuloma venereum
LOFloss of function
METmetabolic ratio equivalent
MLBWmoderate to low birthweight
MSHmelanocyte-stimulating hormone
MVImultivitamin (injection)
NEnot evaluated/not examined; norepinephrine; neurological examination
NPAnasopharyngeal airway
ORIFOpen Reduction with Internal Fixation
OSLeft Eye
PASGpneumatic anti-shock garments
PBApseudobulbar affect
PBPCperipheral blood progenitor cell
PCAfter Meals
PFPpay for performance
PGRpsychogalvanic reaction
PHTpublic health technician
PIPOTpersons in positions of trust
PK testPrausnitz-kustner test
PMRpolymyalgia rheumatica
PPBSpostprandial blood sugar
PRRTpediatric rapid response team
PSGNPoststreptococcal Glomerulonephritis
RPOright posterior oblique
RQrespiratory quotient
RUDright uterine displacement
ReRhenium (element)
SATserum agglutination test
SBPSpontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis; Systolic Blood Pressure
SCADschizoaffective disorder; short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
TCCurrent Temperature
TRALItransfusion-related acute lung injury
TWEtap water enema
TiTitanium (element)
UAUrine Analysis; also Uric Acid
UFUltra Filtration
ULBWultra low birth weight
UPJuretero pelvic junction
VBGVenous Blood Gas
VRSAvancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
VVvaricose veins
YbYtterbium (element)
comp.compound; complication; compounded of
mHzmegahertz (1 million hertz)
ststraight; stage (disease); stomach

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