What does THAP stand for in medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the medical term THAP?

The abbreviation THAP may have a few different meanings. However, what does the medical term THAP mean?

What does THAP stand for in medical abbreviation?

In the medical field, the medical abbreviation THAP stands for Tal Health Advocacy Partners.

THAP: Tal Health Advocacy Partners

Related Medical Abbreviations

AALBAsthma, Allergy & Lung Biology
ADCPAntibody dependent cellular phagocytosis
ADPadenosine diphosphate
ADPKDAutosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
AESAdverse Events
AMMAAmerican Medical Massage Association
BJIBone and Joint Infection
BRAIDEDbenefits, risks, alternatives, inquiries, decision, explanation, documentation
BRATbananas, rice, applesauce, toast (diet)
BSLMBritish Society of Lifestyle Medicine
BUMback-up method
BVTbilateral ventilation tube(s)
CHQOERCenter for Health Quality Outcomes and Economic Research
CLHTCertificate in Leadership for the Healthcare Transformation
CMOcare management organization; chief medical officer; comfort measures only
CNOChief Nursing Officer
CNPBCCollege of Naturopathic Physicians of British Columbia (licensing body in BC)
CPPDCalcium Pyrophosphate Disease
CRNNcranial nerves
CVMEDCardiovascular, Metabolic & Endocrinological Diseases
CVPCentral Venous Pressure
CaCancer; carcinoma. For example, a patient who undergoing treatment for cancer should assure that they are eating and drinking enough fluids daily, both during and after treatment.
DIPHRDivision of Intramural Population Health Research
DLSdynamic lumbar stabilization
DV/SAdomestic violence/sexual assault
EBLLelevated blood lead level
EFWPEpilepsy Foundation of Western/Central Pennsylvania
EMMExperimental Molecular Medicine
EMSIEmergency Medical Service Institute
EPLextensor pollicis longus
ETAembryo toxicity assay; estimated time of arrival
Endoendometriosis; endocrine
FCBfibrocystic breast
FMDfamily physician
G6Pglucose 6 phosphate
GTgastrostomy tube
GTHgonadotropic hormone
HACEHigh Altitude Cerebral Edema
HDLHigh Density Lipoprotein
HIHomicidal Ideation
HIDHealth Information Design; herniated intervertebral disc
HIRFHealth Infrastructure Renewal Fund
HLLHigh Liquid Level
HMG-CoAhydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A
HibHaemophilus influenzae type B
IMRTintensity-modulated radiation therapy
IOMInstitute of Medicine
IOPIntra-Ocular Pressure
IQintelligence quotient
ITBiliotibial band
KSKaposi’s Sarcoma
LALeft Atrium
LQR/LSRlocked quiet room/locked seclusion room
LUAleft upper arm
LVGleft ventriculogram
MAPBMedical Arts and Photography Branch
MASHmobile army surgical hospital
MCADmedium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (deficiency)
MCHBMaternal and Child Health Bureau
NANot Available; also Sodium
NIMHNational Institute of Mental Health
OHoral hygiene
OWMOffice for Women in Medicine
P&Tpeak and trough
PGApteroylglutamic acid
PICCPeripherally Inserted Central Catheter
PIPJproximal interphalangeal joint
PJCpremature junctional contraction
QGNQualified General Nurse
QS/QSintrapulmonary shunting
RMHCIRegistered Mental Health Counselor Intern
RMSFrocky mountain spotted fever
SEMHSocial Entrepreneurism in Mental Health
SSDISocial Security disability insurance
Sig.write on label (signa)
TDR-TBtotally drug-resistant tuberculosis
THRTotal Hip Replacement
WHIPWyoming Health Insurance Pool
YbYtterbium (element)
ZrZirconium (element)
bpmbeats per minute
med nebmedication nebulizer
n.p.o.nothing by mouth (nil per os)
o.d.once daily (omni die)
omn. hor.every hour
patholpathological; pathology
psychpsychiatry, psychology
syrsyringe; syrup

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