TCMA medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

What does the abbreviation TCMA stand for in medical terms?

There may be more than one meaning of TCMA. However, what does the medical term TCMA stand for?

TCMA medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In medical field, the TCMA medical term stands for Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.

TCMA: Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Related Medical Abbreviations

+++Present in Excess
AATPAnesthesia Assistant Training Program
ABCDEAsymmetry, Borders, Colour, Diameter, Expert
ADPKDAutosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
ATSDRAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
BBBBundle Branch Block
BDNFbrain-derived neurotrophic factor
BPI-SFBrief Pain Inventory – short form
CINcervical intraepithelial neoplasia
CMIRCurrent Medical Imaging Reviews
CMTCervical Motion Tenderness; Charcot Marie Tooth
CRCSCColorectal Cancer Subtyping Consortium
CSculture and sensitivity; completed stroke; close supervision; clinically significant; chondroitin sulfate; cesarean section; cardiogenic shock; cardiac sphincter
CSOchief scientific officer
CTCLCutaneous T-cell lymphoma
DECADevereux Early Childhood Assessment
DHMDoctor Of Homeopathic Medicine
DMATdisaster medical assistance team
DMHCDetroit Medical Health Connection
EAEexperimental allergic encephalomyelitis
F/BFollowed By
FOBfoot of bed; fiberoptic bronchoscopy; fecal occult blood; father of baby
FOBTfecal occult blood test
FOCfronto-occipital circumference
GeGermanium (element)
HCIAHealth Care Innovation Awards
HDCVhuman diploid cell rabies vaccine
HEVHepatitis E virus
HIMhealth information management; hepatosplenomegaly
HSWHealth Safety And Welfare
IPFIdiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
ISMJIranian South Medical Journal
IVFIntravenous Fluids; also In Vitro Fertilization
IVHintraventricular hemorrhage
JE-MBInactivated, mouse brain-derived Japanese encephalitis vaccine (JE-Vax®) (no longer available)
JHBMCJohns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
L/minliters per minute
LONICLogical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
LuLutetium (element)
MERAMedical Equipment Repair Associates
MHEmental health evaluator
MPSmucopolysaccharidosis; Medical Protection Society
MSGTMalignant Salivary Gland Tumor
MVTRMoisture vapor transmission rate
NIRMSNumerical Integration of Reduced Modal System
NMnon monitored; nodular melanoma; neuromuscular
NMCPNaval Medical Center Portsmouth
NPAnasopharyngeal airway
NUCSNuclear Medicine
OBGObstetrics & Gynecology
PCHpersonal care home
PCKDPolycystic Kidney Disease
PESTProduction Economics Strategies Technology
PGHPledge Guarantee for Health
PMHAProgram in Medical Humanities Arts
PROMpassive range of motion; premature rupture of membranes; patient-reported outcome measure
PVCPremature Ventricular Contraction
PmPromethium (element)
QGNQualified General Nurse
RDArecommended daily/dietary allowance
RIHright inguinal herniorrhaphy
RPTrifapentine; registered physical therapist
SCAsudden cardiac arrest; subclavian artery; sickle cell anemia
SGPTserum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase
SSDsomatic symptom disorder
SSSsick sinus syndrome
STARTsimple triage and rapid treatment
STUskin test unit
SVCSuperior Vena Cava
TAtransactional analysis; toxin-antitoxin; tentative approval; temporal arteritis
TBBtransbronchial biopsy
TBTtracheobronchial tree
THCtetrahydrocannabinol (in marijuana and related)
TUMTtransurethral microwave thermotherapy
UL(tolerable) upper intake level; upper lid
VCDvacuum constriction device; vocal cord dysfunction
VODveno-occlusive disease
WHOWorld Health Organization
eGFRestimated glomerular filtration rate [case sensitive]
metabmetabolic, metabolism
simsimilar and simplated

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