What is the Ru medical abbreviation?

What is the meaning of the medical term Ru?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the Ru abbreviation. However, what does the medical abbreviation Ru mean?

What is the meaning of Ru medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical term Ru stands for Ruthenium (element).

Ru: Ruthenium (element)

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BCCTPbreast and cervical cancer (treatment) program
BTLbilateral tubal ligation
CEUcontinuing education unit
CTCLCutaneous T-cell lymphoma
DAdevelopmental age; dopamine
DNKAdid not keep appointment
DNPdo not publish
DONdirector of nursing
DVMDoctor of Veterinary Medicine
EBAepidermolysis bullosa acquisita
EOAesophageal obturator airway
ESSGspondylarthropathy study group
FCASfamilial cold auto-inflammatory syndrome
FHRfetal heart rate
GABAgamma-aminobutyric acid
GVHDGraft Versus Host Disease
HCVHepatitis C Virus
HTLV-IIIhuman t lymphotropic virus type iii
IMVintermittent mandatory ventilation
IUIintrauterine insemination
KCTkaolin clotting time
LPcPlight perception with projection
LTLlaparoscopic tubal ligation
MCATMedical College Admissions Test
NDAnon-disclosure agreement; next doctors appointment; new drug application
NOSNot Otherwise Specified
NVnausea and vomiting
PADSpreventive aggression device system
PALperipheral arterial line
PETPositron Emission Tomography
PFDpersonal flotation device (life jacket)
POUplacenta, ovary, uterus
PSSphysiologic saline solution; progressive systemic sclerosis
PTLpre-term labor
REBTrational emotive behavioral therapy
RIGRabies Immunoglobulin
RVMright ventricular mean
SCLEsubacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
TAMIthrombolysis and angioplasty in myocardial infarction
UVAultraviolet A (rays)
bidtwice a day (bis in die)
eAGestimated average glucose
After meals. As in take two tablets after meals.

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