What does PPBG medical abbreviation stand for?

What does the abbreviation PPBG mean in medical terms?

In some cases, there may be multiplied meanings of the PPBG abbreviation. However, what does the medical abbreviation PPBG mean?

What is the meaning of PPBG medical abbreviation?

In the science & medicine field, the abbreviation PPBG means postprandial blood glucose.

PPBG: postprandial blood glucose

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BPRSbrief psychiatric rating scale
BeBeryllium (element)
CMOcare management organization; chief medical officer; comfort measures only
DBTdialectal behavioral therapy
DCDischarge; Discontinue; Doctor of Chiropractics
DNPdo not publish
DOAdate of admission; duration of action; dead on arrival
EBRTExternal Beam Radiation Therapy
FROMfull range of motion
FTAfluorescent treponema antigen (test for syphilis)
H/HHenderson-Hasselbalch equation; hemoglobin/hematocrit
HCVDhypertensive cardiovascular disease
ICDImplantable Cardiac Defibrillator
LPLumbar Puncture
LRIlower respiratory infection
LRNElow risk nutrition education
LSDlysergic acid diethylamide (sl: acid)
LULLeft Upper Lobe; also Left Upper Lid
MCDmultiple carboxylase deficiency
MCHBMaternal and Child Health Bureau
MDSMyelo dysplastic syndrome
MIFmelanocyte-inhibiting factor
MONAmorphine, oxygen, nitrates, aspirin
MPCmaximum permitted concentration; mucopurulent cervicitis
MRIMagnetic Resonance Imaging
OMDorganic mental disorders
PADPeripheral Arterial Disease
PHTpublic health technician
POUplacenta, ovary, uterus
PPIPput prevention into practice
PPOpreferred provider organization
PSFposterior spinal fusion
PTCpoints to consider; plasma thromboplastin component; percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography; papillary thyroid cancer
PetCO2partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide
RAIUradioactive iodine uptake
RREround, reactive, equal
RVGRight Ventriculogram
SAARDslow-acting antirheumatic drug(s)
SCATsheep cell agglutination test
TBBtransbronchial biopsy
TCCTransitional Cell Cancer
TPEtotal plasma exchange
UFHUnfractionated Heparin
VDRLvenereal disease research laboratory
p.o.By mouth. From the Latin terminology per os.

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