What does PPA medical abbreviation mean?

What does the medical term PPA stand for?

Sometime, there may be more than one meaning of PPA abbreviation. However, what does the medical abbreviation PPA stand for?

What is the PPA medical abbreviation?

In medicine, the medical term PPA stands for phenyl pyruvic acid.

PPA: phenyl pyruvic acid

Related Medical Abbreviations

CPDcongenital polycystic disease; chronic pulmonary disease; cephalopelvic disproportion
Cgmcentigram (one hundredth of a gram)
DOEDyspnea on exertion. Shortness of breath with activity.
DOHdepartment of health
DSDown’s Syndrome; degenerative spondylolisthesis; drug substance
DSCDoctor of Surgical Chiropody
ENTotorhinolaryngology/otolaryngologist; ear, nose and throat
ERExternal Rotation; also Emergency Room
ERPeffective refractory period; emergency response plan
ESIGelectronic signature
FRCFunctional Residual Capacity
H FLUHaemophilus Influenza
HAVhepatitis A vaccine; hepatitis A virus
IGFinsulin-like growth factor
IOPIntra-Ocular Pressure
JVPJugular Venous Pressure
LDRlabor, delivery, recovery
LELower Extremity (usually preceded by R or L); Leukocyte Esterase
LOOPloop electrosurgical excision procedure
LRLactated Ringers
LTVlong-term variability
MACMonitored Anesthesia Care
MAO-Bmonoamine oxidase-b
MMSEmini mental state examination
MNDmotor neuron disease
Minminute; minimum
NDnot diagnosed; normal delivery; nondistended; Doctor of Naturopathy; neck dissection
P-ThalPersantine Thallium
PTRplatelet transfusion reaction
SALTspeech and language therapy
TOLACtrial of labor after cesarean section
TOSthoracic outlet syndrome
TPURtransperineal urethral resection
TRFthyrotropin-releasing factor; total fluid removed
TROtemporary restraining order
TVTidal Volume
UPEPUrine Protein Electro-Pheresis
bidtwice a day (bis in die)
cathcathartic; catheter(ization)
irrigirrigate, irrigation
paplacenta abruption
pro timeprothrombin time
spon ABspontaneous abortion
uPAurokinase plasminogen activator

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