OPSN medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

What is the meaning of the medical term OPSN?

In some cases, there may be more than one meaning of OPSN. However, what does the medical term OPSN mean?

What is OPSN medical abbreviation?

In science & medicine, the OPSN medical term mean Outcomes Potentially Sensitive to Nursing.

OPSN: Outcomes Potentially Sensitive to Nursing

Related Medical Abbreviations

ACEMAustralian College of Emergency Medicine
ADLActivities of Daily Living
AFBAcid Fast Bacterium
AIHEAustralian Institute of Healthcare Education
AKMCAlle Kiski Medical Center
AMRIAmerican Medical Research Institute
ASERTAllergy Sensitivity Elimination and Reprogramming Technique
Ad libAt liberty. For example, a patient may be permitted to move out of bed freely and orders would, therefore, be for activities to be ad lib.
BRIP1BRCA1 Interacting Protein C-terminal Helicase 1
BWFIBacteriostatic Water For Injection
CAAHCanadian Association for Adolescent Health
CAMPChristie, Atkins, Munch-Petersen TEST
CARTCocaine And Amphetamine Regulated Transcript
CEBPCentre of Evidence Based Physiotherapy
COSHETCenter Of Occupational Safety Health And Environmental Technology
CSScentral service supply
CTCAComputed Tomography Coronary Angiography
D/NSdextrose in normal saline
DAREDrug & Alcohol Resistance Education; data, action, response, education
DHRDynamic Hip Replacemnt
DIAMONDDepression Improvement Across Minnesota Offering a New Direction
DNARdo not attempt resuscitation
DObstRCOGDiploma in Obstetrics of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
DPGNdiffuse proliferative glomerulonephritis
DWWDiabetic White Women
EBDEvent Based Dosing
EBMEvidence Based Medicine
EGPEnvironmental Genome Project
ESTHEnvironment Science Technology and Health
FCUflexor carpi ulnaris
FRSMFluid-resistant (Type IIR) surgical masks
GBAAGreater Baltimore Asthma Alliance
GBMGlioblastoma Multiforme
GBSFGenome Biomedical Sciences Facility
GEFGranule, Effervescent
GMLCGrid Modernization Laboratory Consortium
GPOglycerol-3-phosphate oxidase
HAQ-DIHealth Assessment Questionnaire – Disability Index
HBCRHospital Based Cancer Registries
HFCPHospital dos Fornecedores de Cana de Piracicaba
HOBHead Of Bed
ICGIDInternational Conference on Geriatric Infectious Diseases
IFimmunofluorescence; infertility; interferon; intrinsic factor
IRDSinfant respiratory distress syndrome
ITSI’m Tired Syndrome
JSNJoint Seminars in Neuroscience
LAVHlaparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy
LCMVlymphocytic choriomeningitis virus
LFAleft forearm
LHSOLimited Health Service Organization
LMRPLocal Medical Review Policy
LUCELLECLungs Under Clear Efficient Love and Luck Even Care
MDADMaternal depression and anxiety disorders
MELTMyofascial Energetic Length Technique
MIIPMiniature Insulin Infusion Pump
MMDMedical Marijuana Dispensary
MNPIMaternal neonatal program index
MPHTMMaster of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
MRTPAModified Risk Tobacco Product Applications
MVImultivitamin (injection)
NHLNon-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
NUJHSNitte University Journal of Health Science
OHMSOccupational Healthcare Management Services
OPSOverdose Prevention Society
PCRApatient controlled regional analgesia
PEMTPublic Emergency Medical Transportation
PSDApatient self-determination act
PTACPtacpharmacology And Therapeutics Advisory Committee
PURTPatterned Urge Response Toileting
PVTparoxysmal ventricular tachycardia
PWSDPoorly Water Soluble Drug
RMHCIRegistered Mental Health Counselor Intern
RPMSRemote Patient Monitoring System
RSIrepetitive strain injury; rapid sequence intubation
TRBEThe Right Brain Entrepreneur
UPTurine pregnancy test
VLTVirtual Laboratory for Technology
WFMWWorld Federation for Medical Education
WWHDWeston Westport Health District
YDMCYoung District Medical Centre
YIPYeast Infection Pill
ZVHCZumbro Valley Health Center
cRNAchromosomal RNA
memmember; memory
phnipinhole no improvement
trachtracheotomy; trachea(l); tracheostomy

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