OAB medical abbreviation, what does it mean?

What does the medical abbreviation OAB mean?

There may be a few different meanings of abbreviation OAB. However, what does the OAB medical term mean?

What does OAB medical abbreviation mean?

In medical field, However, the medical abbreviation OAB stands for Overactive bladder.

OAB: Overactive bladder

Related Medical Abbreviations

AIIAllergy Inflammation and Immunology
AOMCAcupuncture and Oriental Medicine Center
ASBAnti-Social Behaviour
ASHMAssociate Safety Health Manager
BEBBenign essential blepharospasm
BOBTborderline ovarian Brenner tumor
BSOFBones Society Of Florida
BVROBilateral Vertical Ramus Osteotomy
CAHECentre for Allied Health Evidence
CDGSCarbohydrate deficient glycoprotein syndrome
CIOCorticosteroid-Induced Osteoporosis
CLTCcitizens for long-term care
CMRPCentre for Medical Radiation Physics
CPAcerebellopontine angle; costophrenic angle
CRASHCultures Resuscitation And Antibiotics Started Here
CVMCCatawba Valley Medical Center
ECemergency center; energy conservation; enteric coating (medication); emergency contraception
ECUextensor carpi ulnaris; emergency care unit
EDGHEastbourne District General Hospital
EFNJEpilepsy Foundation of New Jersey
EMElectron Microscopy
EMA-IgAimmunoglobulin a antiendomysial
FCAVFoster Care Association of Victoria
Fisfusion inhibitors
GP 2b/3aGlycoprotein 2b/3a Inhibitor
HDL-CHigh-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
HEORHealth Economic and Outcomes Research
HINAHealth Information Network Australia
HLAhuman leukocyte antigen; human lymphocyte antigen
HMG-CoAhydroxymethyl glutaryl coenzyme A
HMJHormozgan Medical Journal
HSDCHearing, Speech & Deafness Center
Hb A1cglycosylated hemoglobin
IAPACInternational Association of Physicians for AIDS Care
INHTInstitute of Natural Health Technologies
ISincentive spirometry; intercostal space
JAKJanus Activated Kinase
JVPJugular Venous Pressure
LALeft Atrium
LAHBleft anterior hemiblock
LASUTHLagos State University Teaching Hospital
LATleft anterolateral thigh
LWLimp Wrist
LWSSLow Wall Shear Stress
MAEmoving all extremities
MAPmean arterial pressure
MASTmilitary anti-shock trousers
MMTmanual muscle test
MTAUMedical Treatment As Usual
MTDmaximum tolerated dose; month-to-date
N&Vnausea and vomiting
NCBANorth Carolina Biomedical Association
NCINational Cancer Institute
NEHSNational Equine Health Survey
NLRNOD-like receptors
NWTSNational Wilms Tumor Study
OCoral contraceptive; osteocalcin; obstetrical conjugate; oleoresin capsicum; oral cavity
OPOpening Pressure
OPQRSTonset, provocation, quality, radiation, severity, time
ORIFOpen Reduction with Internal Fixation
PCSMPrimary Care Sports Medicine
PFOPatent Foramen Ovale
PHLAPartnership for Health Literacy in Arkansas
PHOPhysician Hospital Organization
PPBpositive pressure breathing
PRHEProgram on Reproductive Health and the Environment
QFTQuantitave Feedback Technique
RCKRegulates Conduction of Potassium (K = Potassium)
RCMHCRamsey County Mental Health Court
RCRreplication competent retrovirus
SB5Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales 5th ed.
SCMOHSub County Medical Officer of Health
SIPBSStrathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
SSBDSubclinical Structural Brain Disease
SbBBSteps by the Big Book
TBTuberculosis; Total Bilirubin
TCIDTissue-Culture Infectious Dose
THRGTuart Health Research Group
WFTWhole Frickin Tooth
WGLwithin good limits
g=ggrips equal and good
memmember; memory

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