What is the ITME medical abbreviation?

What is the medical term ITME?

In some cases, the abbreviation ITME may have a few different meanings. However, what does the ITME medical term stand for?

ITME medical abbreviation, what is the meaning of it?

In science & medicine, the ITME medical abbreviation is the meaning of Information Technology in Medicine and Education.

ITME: Information Technology in Medicine and Education

Related Medical Abbreviations

A&PAnterior and Posterior
AASMAmerican Academy of Sleep Medicine
ABLMAmerican Board of Lifestyle Medicine
ACTHadrenocorticotropic hormone
AHGAntihemophilic Globulin
AHRMMAssociation for Healthcare Resource Materials Management
AMSACAir Medical Safety Advisory Council
Apo BApolipoprotein B
BEOHBureau of Environmental and Occupational Health
BNRBladder Neck Resection
BWADEBleeding, Weight loss, Anemia, Dysphagia, Early satiety
Bandbanded neutrophil
CAVPcontinuous arterial venous pressure
CDCCenters for Disease Control and Prevention
CMSACenter for Medication Safety Advancement
CTDconnective tissue disease; cumulative trauma disorder
DCGDOT Compliance Group
DMRTDental Medicine Responder Training
DORWGDiabetes and Obesity Research Working Group
DRDiabetic Retinopathy
EHSREssential Health and Safety Requirement
EMSIEmergency Medical Service Institute
ETUendotoxin unit; emergency trauma unit
FCAAFirst Colonies Anesthesia Associates
FHLSSFaculty of Health Life Social Sciences
FMUFunctional Medicine Update
GAMIGlobal Alliance for Medical Innovation
GBDGlobal Burden of Disease
GGSHGardens Green Space and Health
HCPSHantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome
HHMDHealth Hazardous Materials Division
HHNChypertonic hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma
HONKHyperosmolar Non-Ketotic State
HRSSCHealth Recreation and Social Services Committee
HSEOHealth Safety and Environment Office
HSGhysterosalpingogram; herpes simplex, genitalis
HSMOHealth Services Management Organisation
HbAHemoglobin A
IEFisoelectric focusing
IICPincreased intracranial pressure
IRISImmune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome
IUPCintrauterine pressure catheter
JODMjuvenile onset diabetes mellitus
LASARLaboratory Analytical Storage And Retrieval
LETlidocaine, epinephrine, tetracaine
LNULocal Neonatal Unit
LOVLast Office Visit
LPDluteal phase defect
MC&Smicroscopy, culture, and sensitivity
MEDminimum effective dose
MIHOWMaternal Infant Health Outreach Worker
MPFSMedicare Physician Fee Schedule
MRIDMedical Requirements Integration Document
MTBImild traumatic brain injury
NAEPNorth American Education Program (on managing pain and sleep issues in multiple sclerosis, a joint program of the MS Society of Canada and the National MS Society (USA))
OPCABoff-pump coronary artery bypass surgery
ORRobjective response rate
OWMOffice for Women in Medicine
PBTAPediatric Brain Tumor Atlas
PCIPercutaneous Coronary Intervention
PFRFPyoderma Faciale Rosacea Fulminans
PNBpremature nodal beats; peripheral nerve block
PTEMpregnancy test education materials
PUSprostate ultrasound
RAIUradioactive iodine uptake
RGright gluteal/gluteus
RICHMANRespiratory, Infectious, Cardiovascular, Hematology, Metabolic/endocrine, Alimentary, Neurological
ReAreactive arthritis
SNASpiffy New Anesthesia
SVGSaphenous Vein Graft
TAH-ttotal artificial heart
TGITumor Growth Inhibition
TOMMTest Of Memory Malingering
TTtilt table; thrombin time; total thyroidectomy; tetanus toxoid
TUBThe Unknown Band
UACumbilical artery catheter
VRSAvancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
WOIWithout incident
WZSWeissenbacher- Zweymuller Syndrome
cryocryosurgery; cryoprecipitate
radradical; root (radix); radial
satsaturate, saturation

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